Thursday, 31 July 2008

fate fell short this time smile fades in the summer, place your hand in mine, i'll leave when i wanna-blink 182

hello readers that we really and truly love:) today was hell of a time. despite the chaos in school during recess, heats and final was even worse.we were pretty unhappy with some of the events we took really just pisses us of just knowing the fact that we put in so much effort we didnt show our fullest potential. well, we put the blame to ourselves. with all these muscles cramps and lifeless spirit in our souls, studying is not an option.really.had dinner with fadhil, syazni, hafiz, amin, gab, ais and yeen. we found out that guys are so undecisive and it really got to our nerves. bumped into sabri twice this week.anyway, thanks people for deterioating our sense of disappointment into a fresh elated one:) to those who risked their voices just to support us, THANK YOU:) but can scream louder for 4x400m finals? haha. we are so proud of ais for the perfect starting, ending and the run in between.

i really had bad feelings about todays heats. when my name was called, my natural reaction was 'im going to be dead'. yet, the girls kept my hopes high.cheering for me all the way eventhough the event have not started. waiting in silence, i said a little prayer. then it was my turn. the gun shot. and i ran like there's no tomorrow. the final 50m and there my legs turned down on me. it was burning and its so weak. i knew i was going to fall. but i kept telling myself i'll be just fine.and that was when i saw seri overtook me. wasted.its all wasted. haha. whatever it is, im doing great currently. thanks to zen's motivation. its so sweet that he was there the whole time to comfort me. anyway, congrats to those who made it to the finals eventhough i dont know who they are just yet. remind me to remind mrs rajan about some english stuff! ok done. im tired, torn and tattered. ilztks:)-jodie

KENDRA blew me away!i swear.she once said that she doesnt want to run for 100m but ironically, she was 2nd! and i was 3rd. dearest partner i'm overjoyed and i am really proud of you! see, you need to work on your self-esteem.4x100 was kinda okay.we manage to get forth. what really pisses me off is when late comers get to run.bitch kan this school?like should have come even later and warm up.cause when i came, i changed my shoes and than run. oh well, heats is over. although i may feel a little upset but i still stayed up strong.thanks people for your never ending helps me alot.OH TP MEMORIES.i miss AEM 3d modelling and animaions course already.and what made me deterioate deep into my lifeless being was that area reminds me of aidil.idk why but i think it is because of his school which is like a stones throw away.i know im not suppose to feel this way but i cant help it.i miss him dearly.dont get me wrong.i still love hariz wong yun feng more than anything but it's just those days when small little things takes you back in time to remind you that past is where you were from and made you who you are now in the present.hopefully there's no "staying back session"with mrs rajan tomorrow.i want to meet baby!take care-MACY!


8:14 pm

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

dancing through the night-eyes set to kill
hello most awesome readers:) oh wow today is wednesday and tomorrow is THURSDAY!wondering why THURSDAY is in caps? well tomorrow is HEATS/FINALS people.if you're not panicking or worst not even aware than you people are pure porkchop and beans.we know it makes no sense. so for the first time in our lives we wont be running for the same event.yes, we do feel a little deprived from staying to close to one another at times. so macy's taking 4x100 relay and 100m while jodie's taking 4x400m relay and 200m.gaaahhsss.thinking of it makes our heart sink to our to adjust it back to its original position, we are currently laughing at the hideous monsters we drew the other day.haha! so meeting up with 4e2's accountants/poa-ians later for dinner before heading back to the office for journal entry.haha.
i despise butterflies. having gazillion of those monsters roaming in my stomach right about now isnt a good predicament.the feeling of anxiety within me is killing me.i may suffer a delirium.firstly, it's tomorrows heats/finals that i feel pretty ambigous about and furthermore, my bone structures and probably every delicate part of my body is just screaming in pain.i swear.secondly wan.he texted me yesterday which i overlooked.with that, he was simply pissed with me.i know it's a delinquency, which i never made, but hey i was terribly and awfully tired yesterday.after much peace treaty, we are not mad at each other which is great.but yet again, i feel this sense of dejection.why? he mentioned "sombong".i detest that word.really.i need to render my thoughts. i love wong yun feng:) and yeaa GOOD LUCK RUNNERS!-MACY!
the bane of all my sleepless nights : 'SPORTS DAY/HEATS'. i've been sacrificing so much time training just for this. i just hope it would turn out worthwhile for me. my limbs are excruciatingly painful.with every step i take, i feel the muscles sears.well, i just have to endure it. lets just pray karma wont haunt me with the paranoia of falling while running.earlier this morning, had maths at 8am. mr kek touched on the topic about negative thoughts/dreams. well, he has a way which tends to implicit his stories to a remark those who are poor in maths. like me. i tend to get pissed off listening to his so-called lectures. so what if im bad at maths? but to think of it, i have to obligue. why? its a main subject. zen, ilyvm:) mwahs:)-jodie

5:05 pm

Monday, 28 July 2008

stop crying your heart out-oasis

hello readers:) its been a few days since we posted.cause our weekend was packed with outings.on saturday we finally met up with lissalove to study with her and her mat rep (soon to be)boyfriend.haha.studied at coffee bean in front of golden was a bad idea studying there cause its so damn noisy.well, we did went to bugis street to shop.turn out walking around without buying anything.pissed about dont ask why we didnt buy anything.we know its so unlike us but that day we just dont have the oompfh! you know what we mean? haha.nevermind.

then yesterday kak nana tunang:) congrats to her! she was so pretty.yes we helped out distributing gifts to the other families. also known as 'rewang' to the malays.felt so gay.and those insincere looks on plastered across their faces just made us extremely uncomfortable.moreover,we were just lost in the realm of being different. we didnt really enjoyed our time there but just having our dear cousin elations was suffice:)

today, had maths test.which sucked.blablabla.dnt was awesome.we played the DRAW-A-MONSTER game. gaahhss.these are the following names of the newly created monsters:

-khaaaaa-kheee aka muuuloort



we know it sounds pretty wierd.but try repeating the make sum it all up for today, its pretty gay.

im consumed by the word 'pretend'. everybody pretends. when we were young, we pretend to be little princesses, monsters or anything we can imagine. but what matters is that no one can run away from pretending. as for me, i believe that pretending for need is good.but what about hypocrites? they do these to cover up mistakes or side people whom they want trust from. well, whatever it is, i've been encoutering manymanymany pretends that are so obvious it seems that these charades seem so fake lately. anyway, i love yesterday's cupcake:) currently eating the pirated yuppi gummy burgers. im extroverted that mr maricar left me alone without bugging every moment i have sitting alone in the workshop.haha. ilztks:)-jodie

i woke up on my living room couch feeling absolutely great! yes. i know.i might sound pretty wierd but ironically it's true. the purpose for me sleeping overnight at the livingroom was due to the freaky incident last night in my room. i saw a horrendous monster. apperently, the monster is no where to be seen today.well, thats awesome.please, let the creature die in peace where i do not have a chance to see it suffer with the oh so powerful BAYGONE. next, i wore my contact lenses inside out. it was pretty uncomfortable where i come to the point of just shoving my filthy fingers into my eyes.i need to change the contact lenses.prolly today.ahh yes.i did some stuff to my looks cool now:) haha. anyway,baby just got to know he had mother tongue prelims today yesterday.get what i mean? haha. i need some rest now. baby i love you so very much!-MACY

wly!OHH LIPAS OHH LIPAAAASSS!oh cockroach oh cockroach! geli lorh!

3:25 pm

Friday, 25 July 2008

and as i stared i counted,webs from all the spiders-blink 182

hello dear readers:)"thank god it's friday".that quote is simply true.we have the whole weekend to enjoy.or not? anyway, school was kinda fast today. changed the timetable again-.-".people just dont seem to make our lives easier.night self study ironically fun today.wole gratitude to AISHAH AND LEEYAN!

FAMISHED.yes i am.but there's this feeling that sets upon me which just makes me not want to's called LAZY.i really despise the fact that i am hungry cause i would end up not finishing my meal.which kinda suck cause i waste food and thus money.anyway,met baby "weather forecast" feelings just abruptly interupted my mind as soon as i saw dark coumolounibus forming which literally means it was going to rain.but no.someone kept insisting to go to PRP.haha.then it started date and we ended up wet again.but it's cool.and yes we manage to "meet" some of his "mat rep friends" who were literally sang some dumb song that has the tune repeating over an over and over baby,your promise is fullfiled :) you know i know. thanks for sending me too school and insisting that i should so for night self study.i was extremely i love you.i really do.i miss you already.i really do hope we can meet tomorrow.p.s im not sombong-MACY!

today i learnt about the importance of religion. well, it happened during mother tongue lesson. cikgu latifah didnt come so a relief teacher relived the class. he told the class his experiences about ghosts. not only ghost stories but also his success stories. he made me realise the importance of faith. because part of success are contributed by our faith. how faithful i am to god and the dalily prayers have to be done so that i feel secured inside. so for those readers who feel lonely and feel like nobody's listening to you, say a little prayer and pour your heart. god, no matter what religion you are, is listening. and so, dont be afraid to step out of your shell. stand up for your rights and do what your heart desires. anyway, im bored out of my wits. i cant tell between elations and dejections now. i have to revamp myself this weekend.ilztks:)-jodie


10:28 pm

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

please dont go just yet-flyleaf
hello awesome readers:) wednesday literally suck but ironically today was pretty fun! today was the heats/finals for the field events. well, the guys was absolutely bumped after losing to the secondary three boys.haha.well ayeen did awesome! she managed to attain a bronze for long jump:) wooooooooo!we had poa night study today.45 minutes late wasnt that bad after all.haha.had dinner with the rest of the poa-ians. total havoc.thanks to aishah for her "hip hop dance".haha.she really did crack us up.and then we came to a point that we realise our school was invaded with eecky lizards.we left at 9pm and went home with ais, yeen and fadhil.then we realised that we have to buy stuff for our neneklove.
KU-NUR AMALINA BINTE KU-AZMAN.i miss you i swear!please do me a huge favour!SIT BESIDE ME IN CLASS!really.i need to speak to you laa babe.anyway, poa was really freaky. you know those bugs that are attracted to light? well yes those tiny monsters kept creeping me out in poa lesson.i was literally consume with the fact that i have phobia with insects.which you guys would probably know by now.and yes i was pretty famish today.i had fried rice for lunch(again) and double cheese burger meal which i manage to gobble all up.i know baby is overjoyed right boyfriend is a mat rep you see.and im pretty sure im a minah rep.we are gangsta.we are fly.oh yeaa mum called i miss have fun watching hard gay!hoooooooo!i love hariz-MACY!
i woke up this morning with the slightest feeling of dejection. so i texted the only person i know that makes me invirogate, zen:) the bane of my misery is due to the fact that its wednesday. i hate wednesdays. and mondays. haha. anyway, congrats to yeen for getting 3rd place for long-jump! i love you babe:) haha. i had a great time having dinner with the poa-ians although ais, yeen, macy and i were outcasts. well, the journey to the end of the 'dnt' road is ending. now, i crave for ben & jerry's chocolate chip cookie dough. gaaaaahhssss. ilztks:) -jodie

10:16 pm

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

just some random pics

i cant force this eyes to see the end-paramore

hello deardear readers:) today is tuesday.lessons over-filled with pure make matters worst, we were exhausted the day after training and simply just feel like dozing off. limbs feeling so cramp. we need a massage.ASAP. good news! maybe not to you readers.but its good news to us:) we finished our dnt artefact! at last after weeks and weeks of sacrifice we did have gained a sense of accomplishment and relief.knowing the fact that on thursday we dont need to do any of those crap's worth while:)
i spent THREE HOURS to figure out the complicated electronic system all by myself. no doubt that teachers are not a great help when it comes to dnt. is it part of independent learning or am i sensing that the dnt teachers in siglap sec suck? im sure you readers are shocked that i manage to finish up by myself. dont worry, you're not alone. i am shock myself. well, what really drive me to finish up my artefact was the fact that i didnt want to stayback any longer. the constant shouting from mr maricar from the other end of the room just to get my attention really brings me to the brim of losing myself. mr maricar was like "thats my girl" when i said i've finished.i turned to MACY-ee and showed the'wtf did he just said' face.haha.i remember the day before when i talked to MACY-ee that im going to be dead cause i have no time to solder the circuit board. ironically, its done! yay! okay enough of my overflowing joy about that stupid dnt thing.moving on to the other part of my life. zen, i know you were being honest. and to tell you the truth, i dont mind it at all. as long you keep to your promise. i love zen tan kok siang the way he is no matter what:) ohh yea, boo dont worry about me. im going to eat like nasi-padang monster:)-jodie
yesyes i've completed my gruelling, most annoying piece of crap that i've ever work artefact:) a whole big gratitude to baby who constantly kept reminding and motivating me to finish up my artefact.and see,i've done it:) if it wasnt because of him and his pep talk, i wouldnt even had bothered to stayback and even do anything.although my artefact doesnt turn out like how i wanted it to be(cause of alot of measurement mistakes tsk -.-") it still looked pretty cool to its safe at the dnt long artefact.i dont evereverever want to see you again:) HARIZ WONG YUN FENG i miss you baby.really.friday okay?saturday if you can make it okay?ilysvm baby:) my legs are suffering hell right now.really it's aching.irony to the latter,i did do my warming up yesterday.woohoo atlast i ate dinner-MACY!

9:32 pm

Saturday, 19 July 2008

jodie and kuu sayang

take 1

take 2

oh no, once again-avenged sevenfold

hello readers:) today is the carnival. one word to describe it, well an expression actually "GAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHSSSSSSS". it sucked. our high hopes and expectations went down the drain as soon as we saw the booth.its so fucking boring. the performances sucked big time. its more noise than music when one of the bands played. well, it was not lively at all. we really pity the senior citizens who had to bear the loud music. maybe that was the reason why it rained damn heavily.

the carnival practically sucked.i had an impression that the carnival would be awesome, but just as my gfs,GAB! and i walked in,it was plain boredom.the stalls sucked,the performances sucked,the event sucked big time.probably wasted my life there.after all those shitty conditions, i went to meet babylove at downtown.and the story goes on(: I LOVE HARIZ WONG YUN FENG ALOTALOT<3 -MACY!

never was i put down to the extreme to something i woke up and felt excited about. i hate that carnival. it went well at first. manage to walk around. but the loud music from the band just annoyed me to the extent that i felt like losing myself. and then it rained. heavily. i felt as if my day was being washed away with the rainwater. seeping through the fragments of sediments and result as groundwater. literally. well there was slight misunderstandings. but my babygirls never put me down. i had a great time with them. i saw ika earlier in the day. one word, 'pathetic'. okay, ILZTKS:)-jodie


11:13 pm

Friday, 18 July 2008




ais and macy giggling(credits to leeyan!)



i know i look super gay.

jeffri the kacau-ing partner of macy

go clockwise:syazni,dzulfiqar,eza,tina,tiqah,sal(macy's ex haha!),macy and icy ais!

ais leeyan macy-EE!


ais muke steam huahuahua

in the midst of geography lesson.

daphne macy christine

haha them


yg penting kat tengah tk perlu -.-"

you leave me brrrreeaattthhhhlesssss-shayne ward

hello readers:) today is RHD celebration in school. we decided to wear our last years cheongsam. so the whole day was filled with camwhoing.those pictures we posted are only some of them beacause the rest are with our friends. so phase two of uploading pictures would be in the next post. sorry to our baby girls that we didnt meet you girls at ayeen's house.thats because we had to lend christine and daphne our kebaya. they look awesome:)

highlights for today:
- mr sayadi waved haha
- camwhoring
- syahrul woo!
- bakar's pants.haha
- salihin haha!

after not doing my self reflections for two posts, i reallyreally miss it a lot. well, i was busy talking to zen on the phone last night. he's such a sweetheart:) anyway, i've got tons of pictures of today's RHD. but everything is with my baby girls. this year's RHD was alright for me. nothing really interesting. but for the fact that ika stared at me, it really got into my nerves. ika, you've got a problem come and say it to my face. its just so sick to look at her. i am suppose to go for dnt 2 hours ago. but my sub-concious mind tell me not to. so i'll just go for the night-class tonight. zen, thanks for the time last night:)-jodie

today practically sucks because of studies.apperantly nobody feels like studying today.everybody were busy camwhoring haha.i was one of them.i was enlightened when mr chow said there was no firedrill today.yet i was still bumped because i was one of the only few who wore school shoe.anyway tomorrow is a big day!woohoo!yesyes firstly it's the collaboration carnival from mjc,pasir ris rc and sss (:secondly im meeting baby :D i bet tomorrow is gonna be awesome.much love-MACY!


3:32 pm

Thursday, 17 July 2008

she got the curse of curves-cute is what we aim for

hello awesome readers.a couple of things happened this week.what's most important is that we've learnt to value people.we'll get back to that later.anyway,Racial Harmony Day is tomorrow.we are sooo not looking forward to this day.well,the reasons are: first,we have to report to school using SCHOOL SHOES,second,there's dnt after school and thirdly,there is no point of coming to school cause we dont look forward to it and last FIRE DRILL!how see,school is suckish.

im attached to mybabylove WONG YUN FENG(hariz) on 150708 :) baby ilysvm!
i've told wan about baby.well i want to dedicate the song broken wings from flyleaf to him(the song you guys are listening to).wan,thank for being there for me whenever i need mean the whole world to have been my partner in crime,my butt kicking friend,my companion,my guiding light and my laughing gas.if it wasnt because of you,i am not what i am have made me a stronger person and you definitely impacted my life alot.i never came to a point to see that our friendship will end just yet.thank you for being such a friend to me.for now,i pray for your health,safety and well-being.please note all my pep helps.take care best friend:)-MACY!

im busy talking with zen:) on the phone.reflections next post okay readers?-jodie


10:06 pm

Tuesday, 15 July 2008

is it you?is it you?-cassie

hello readers:) today is our o level malay listening comprehension. it was super confusing and extremely draggy. what was worse was the cold weather combine with the feeling of nervousness, you just have to pee.haha.c'mon dont deny.a couple song came blasting through the radio.songs like take a bow and 11 JANUARI! haha we manage exchange grins.mum's going to abu dhabi[again] tomorrow. we miss her's kinda sad that she have to leave yet again.please come back ASAP! ok so the is it you song is like on repeat in our mind thanks to AYEEN.she came by our place because she forgotten to bring her house keys.gundu kan.haha!maybe she repeated the song about 5 times and its stuck in our's depressing.

TO AYEEN:HAHA MR SPAKO OR WHAT.WHAT'S WITH MR SIAAAAAAA.EH YOUR WALLET WITH ME!AND WHAT'S WITH ME CAPS-LOCK-ING?? really is going on so quickly.well, zen texted me last night.i swear i was shocked.anyway, last night i cant i took the time to reflect about things that are going on around me. whatever it is, i did cry. zen is the most cutest-charming little cupcake.thx for the little sweet compliments darl:)-jodie tired.i dont want to go to school tomorrow.i want to deprive myself from all those hectic schedules in school and have time for myself.really.first lesson is english.there are a couple test coming up.then wan is mad at's particularly not my fault at all.oh pissed.futhermore, it just seem that we dont really get along together.well friend,just try be a little more mature.anyway, i sent the picture above to hariz.was force to actually.i look gay.i know.somehow, i really miss going outing with dad for photgraphy lessons.yadayada.ayeen came by our place and i told her about faizal.yes SPAKO.haha.i came to realize how lame we were.and wow thanks faizal for the negative comments.haha!i like WONG YUN it you? is it you?bye-MACY!


9:56 pm

Sunday, 13 July 2008

im gazing on eternity-flyleaf

hello beloved readers :) oh what a day. had maths tuition in the afternoon then had family dinner at changi airport. it was awesome. abang in treated the whole family at fish & co. its such a fishy-experience. haha.lmao.yayaya anyway we had the new york fish and pushed us to the brim of barfing. cause its just too urgh-ky.ya just get what we laa.the chowder thingy was dope.haha!had a good laugh over tiny things yet again. thats because kak diana was there to lighten up the atmosphere.ohh abang an bought a new pair of shoe. its so FLY.

AHH freaking full.somebody forced me to eat the new york fish and chips(reffering to hariz) and i didnt manage to finish it.waste food's not that the food was not is nice but i aint feelin' it yaww.haha.somebody also made a confession sehh.wahwahwah.okay i'm bloated.i need a rest.goodnight:)-MACY!

im lazy to type.haha.-jodie

ok done.we'll update as soon as possible:)


11:22 pm

Saturday, 12 July 2008




thank you for being such a friend to me-flyleaf
hello readers:) hot aren't they?yes reffering to anyway, today is our english prelim orals. the convesation was an easy task. but, like any human beings, we do stumble on the words.the occasional umm-s and uhh-s.we all will never run away from those. on top of that, parents are being well, parents. the never ending nagging and public humiliation. we're pissed because we were forced to have lunch with them. us being us, of course we were lazy and didnt want to go. but after much "war of words", we did follow them. so you know we were really reluctant to go so dad was kinda pissed with us. he got angry and now, its as if we are at fault for making his day bad. it's just that we dont see the respect we deserve from him you see. we're tired because of yesterday's night-study, then had to wake up fucking early for the orals. so why cant he understand?besides it's weekend.why must he be all ego and go blow at minor things like having lunch-out.we just dont get the gist.anyway, we're reallyreally pissed right now so please mind if the post is short.
overall,today we learnt how to deal with being patient everything will not really go as planned but you will at least see the positive impact behind it. its time we pause and see the world go on around us once in a doing so,we do observe that some people are different in many ways.other times we may not like how the person thats where patience comes in.except the fact that hey this person also do have feelings and we therefore respect them.

3:29 pm

Thursday, 10 July 2008

dear god-avenge sevenfold

hello dear readers :) oh well some of you guys may have watch anugerah band yesterday and yes RANCOUR WON!it was least expected because we supported x-tech.but they seem a little too "safe". romey is fucking hot. no, he's gorgeous.ahh heavenly. so today was another epidome.not much going on.this saturday is our english wow.and we unfatefully got ms ng as our examiner.oh good luck. so today had english consultation. 1hr40mins of pure silence is great once in a while. well, our dnt artefact arent doing great right now. this means, STAYBACK for dnt tomorrow.

im fucking pissed yet again.but not because of the same purpose though.i've once felt that hey at last my artefact(dnt) was oh so going well.the downside is that some freaking nigga came meddling with it and there it goes down the freaking drain.i mean its not all that thrashy but it is the main function that is not working .my work was about 65% done and now its 45% done.hell yes im ought to be pissed.i despise dnt.really.i swear.i want to filtrate all my thought of dnt out of my head.besides artefact is 30 marks only.anyway,remeber chico? he recently viewed me in woah it's been donkey years since ive heard from him.i thought he vanished.nontheless my sub-concious mind took control of me and started typing down a comment for him.but listen,his second picture the one with nike logo is awesomely HOT!gosh i miss him laa kay.-MACY!

i woke up this morning thinking about what lies ahead of me. i am so caught up with school that i barely have time for myself. the constant activity keeps me away from my thoughts. i need the time to digest everything thats going on around me. but time can't just stop for me right? if only i can pause time and just kick back, relax and let myself be consumed with my thoughts. i feel like other people's thoughts or opinions are much more important. sometimes i do ask myself, when do i ever get to listen to my own opinion? and yet again i'll jump into conclusion that its okay, there is time. i dont want to overlook and think that everything's going to be fine. but sometimes i just have to. if you are reading and find yourself doubtful of what i've just said, its okay. thats what im feeling right now. okay im done with my reflection. ohh yes, i love david and romey:)-jodie


6:01 pm

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

i cant seem to believe that you ever cared for me-alesana

why did i post david's picture? let me tell you is the best day of my life.there's no word that can descibe my feeling.i am going to wear braces on 26 december.& i can't wait.guess what? i was in the train and guess who i saw? no, not david. but a guy that has similar features as david. i swear i was stunned as i examined every detail of his felt like the world stopped moving as soon as i saw him.omg.its freaking similar except that the guy has a darker complexion. hold on, give me a moment. i need to breath............
can you believe it? i cant believe it myself. i dont care if i was caught staring at him adoringly.i dont care if he noticed me staring at him. i tried to gather myself. he stopped at tanah merah. if mum wasnt there, i think i would have followed him. dont get me wrong my beloved readers, im not a fanatic, but i've been having a crush on david since 4 years ago. haha. i wonder how i would react if i bumped onto the real david someday.ohh yes, my dentist is a guy:(
i cannot stop smiling:)) -jodie

well my day on the other hand turned out like another epidome.yes but because i mistakenly wore jodie's school uniform.oh bitch.shahid was like "eh wani your paper" i was like "please laa im not wani." den he said "your name tag".oh guess what i saw ZATI cool.i told kuuLOVE about it.i felt uncomfortable the whole freaking day.maths consultation was another part of my detestation today.and then came home still having the ache on my feet thanks to the heels the other day.and then the thought of sexylove kept appearing in my mind.and the song kidnap my heart is on repeat in my goddamn mind.oh i feel suckish.NE-YO! ahh i love him (; haaaaaiiiyaaaaaaa.i miss muhammad rizal bin yahya siaaaaaa.oh yes.-MACY!

9:18 pm

Sunday, 6 July 2008

as they build their dreams on my shattered hopes, i look back on, a day once loved-alesana
hello readers:) today was fun. we had our maths tuition and then went to have dinner at parkway parade with parents, abg an and kak nana:)) had a good laugh everytime we hang out with them. abg an showed us the "sudden itch on a straight face and scratching it off" act.H I L A R I O U S ! well if you dont understand what we're talking about, maybe we'll video tape it sometime. specially for you guys.
tomorrow is a school holiday and we're going east coast for some family gathering. we'll upload the pictures if there is's been years since we've been at east coast.cant wait to go tomorrow.we especially miss riding a bicycle.and then cycle to bedok jetty.gawd.memories.
theres one special thing that im excited about for tomorrow.well, mum's gonna register me for braces:) anyway, im still having a dilemma of what i should wear for tomorrow. i cant make up my mind. ohh yes, watch discovery channel tomorrow theres a story about a 15 year old geisha. too bad im not gonna watch it because of the family gathering. if anyone of you readers watch it, please tell me. thanks:) and so, im doing great without khairul. eventhough im still missing his presence but i'll remind myself i dont need a man to make things happen for me. im young and independent. the perfect guy would show up one day.-jodie
AMBIGIUOS.yes i still am.i hate this's sickening.but at least my doubtfulness is enlightened when wan's around.i'm really sorry for making you all sorry for throwing my tentrums at you .im really sorry for being such a fucking bitch yesterday.i was just insecured you see.but thanks alot for staying beside me and making sure that i was know, at least there is someone like you who do takes concern about other people.and i really appreciate it alot.thanks love.anyway,my foot is aching thanks to wearing heels for yest's it's not swollen but just painful.get what i mean.anyway i just hope im not an emotional wreck again tomorrow.i really do hope the beach would take my feeling of ambigious inside me far away into the sea.and yes my wish is to see sexylove there :)-MACY!

11:28 pm

Thursday, 3 July 2008



this world's an ugly place but you're so beautiful to me-blink 182
hello readers ;) at last the pics can be uploaded:) yay for blogger! anyway, we just arrived home from school. its been very very very busy. we swear we love the maths consultation on tuesday. it was awesome especially when you can ask questions personally to a teacher. and then there was the humanities consultation. thats not as productive because its too noisy.havoc.anyway, today was rather boring.ais left for poa.good luck for the quiz poa-ians! there was english test and it was an average.
mom's out to jb.booo.
PLEASE REFER TO THE PICTURE ABOVE.yes mysexylove gave that lollipop. 130608:) listen. i know everything has an ending. i know that. but it seems so wrong. im not being pessimistic here but i just had the feeling of insecurity yet again because it seems that sexylove is actually drifting further away every nano second. it's true that i do not have the initiative to know about his well-being, but i realise that he was doing the same to me feeling shitified right now really.i've talk to wan about it.he said maybe his already att.haha.impossible laa kay.he would have probably told me first.does he need space?but im not that bicthy bitch that i bug people assumption.wan told me to ask about his well doofus sub-concious mind just wouldnt want to do so.bitch.well,dear friend, i miss you to the fcuxking core.i love you so very much i swear.and sorry wan for being such a bitch to you.thanks for the're awesome.ily! hunn-MACY
i have to endure another 4 months and 10 days until hell ends. ohh yes. toothfairy havent been texting me lately. but i dont really care. i dont have much time for texts anyway. okay so had a chat with yul just now. ohh yes! she actually came down to school yesterday:) i was so happy to see her! ok done. i've got nothing else to say.-jodie
stop spamming okay.thanks:)

4:48 pm

Double the Flava

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identical twins.
Zati Iwana & Zati Iwani
suffering from aneroxia nervosa and bulimia
we are:
  • schooling at Republic Polytechnic
  • persuing a Diploma in Business Information Systems
  • currently sixteen years young
  • passionate photographers
  • refusing to speak only to listen to the sound of our voices
  • reflections of one another but with seperate personalities

    C'mon baby shake it

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    Do visit them too

    aishah aqilah edah feezah fique hid iskandar kendra lissa marissa nieya sharifah teeqa

    You scream here


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