Thursday, 25 September 2008

11:30 pm

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

4:00 pm

Sunday, 21 September 2008

watch the last video first! there's part 1 and part 2.

7:54 pm

Friday, 19 September 2008

11:04 am

11:04 am

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

8:33 pm

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

the skate-scooter pictures 2 days ago

4:51 pm

Sunday, 14 September 2008

it's all your fault-taking back sunday

hello pembaca-pembaca setia:) hawhaw .bloody gay. so we woke up with a rather rude awakening from dad. it was partly our fault for him raging at us because firstly it was almost 12pm and secondly he tried to wake us up countlessly; eversince 10am.hah. sorry there 'pops. haha. we're tired due to yesterday's long walk.

yesterday went to geylang bazaar with dad to browse at random things. bumped into azimah, elly and zaf first. followed by atiqah then kak nana. haha random sia. after much browsing, dad brought us to our favourite place, airport to have "dineupper". yes, of course we went there for ice-cream. however, only macy had ice-cream because the rest claim that they are full. rrrrrrrriiiiiiigggggghhhhhhtttttt. then went home. ahhh. tomorrow is physics p2. shitified petrified suicide.hawhaw.we procastinate yet again. thats because we dont see a need to revise physics because its all about memorising formulas right?

yesterday was awkward. i was walking in the bazaar behind dad and frantically hanging on to macy's hand when this group of people shout "ey wani!". my initial reaction was to look and then i notice i dont know who were those strange strangers. my dad even asked if i knew them. i denied it of course. crazy bunch of people. you should have seen how i reacted. i was like "huh?" and tugged macy to look who was calling out my name. haha. anyway, i had a great time playing the skate-scooter with macy this morning. eventhough we did cause alot of noise due to our gigglings, it did relieved our stress of the morning. i love lunch today. curry maggie. haha.& i love zen tan kok siang:)-jodie

dang! today was super porky fun! hawhaw. it wasnt what i expected it to be like because initially dad was raging mad but then the negative energy cleared. had fun with jodieboo with the spring cleaning in the room. collected about 8 bags full of trash,memories,tissues and dusty dust. then come the fun part, the skate-scooter cruise,, we were literally laughing our butts off. i've got the video. maybe i'll post it up in the coming post okay. anyway tomorrow is the day tomorrow is the day! hint: special day with baby. guess? our 2nd month-sary silly!(okay i sound gay there) wooooooooo! i love hud hariz wong yun feng alot heh-MACY!


11:06 pm

Friday, 12 September 2008

everything is sent off straight from the heart-the veronicas

old pics re-edited.hawhaw.thats because we are lazy to camwhore due to the never-ending revisions for prelims.talking about prelims, we just sat for mathematics paper one today. clearly we were too lazy to stuady yesterday and we ended up rather clueless today. yet, the questions given was quite do-able. but this doesnt mean we are confident of passing of course. but there's this tiny thing called luck. who knows if mr kek wrote 71 instead of 17? probabilty of it, 1 in a million. miracles happen. hopehopehope :) but the thing is, either one of us can get that kind of luck.haha. because it comes only once. so forget it laa jodie & macy. people, the best thing to get the results you've desire is to plainly, awely, tirelessly, practically, effortlessly study your brains out. face it, anyway you'll never get to study this hard for one bloody exam anymore:)

we are going for night-self study later. see, we are very hardworking. but the main reason for going is to have a great time studying with friends. wellwell, it works for us. at least other souls to hangout with instead of only the two of us right? we try to socialize so that we wont be labelled "sombong" in other words "arrogant". yes we are sick of it. people change right? so we've changed for the better. so we break fast-ing at school later on.going to grab some bites.

bust it baby.heard of that song?sounds cheesy huh? it's by plies feat NE YO MYSEXYLOVE!hawhaw. well i specially bring up this song because im so addicted it. ne yo makes the song AWESOME :) hawhaw really. anyway you guys go listen to it. i was rather demoralized by the maths paper 1 earlier in the morning. it seems so easy at first but then the numericals drive me crazy. i tried though. the last question was a total drawing lesson for me.hawhaw. something about constructing triangles.whatever.i can only rely on paper 2 now. i hope i'll pass because of paper 2 as i tend to do better.moving on, i rather miss the berserk commotion and laughter during recess. no more recess:( okay, so 3 days to go baby! i love my boyfriend :D-MACY!

like what macy said, the maths paper was rather depressing. i took 15 minutes figuring out question 2. dont tell me it not demoralising. im looking forward for the night self-study. ohh did i tell you how irritating mr "slim" was? i was pissed that he tends to shout into the microphone with his low toned voice. i guess he's trying to alarm people at the end of the exam. i dont know why, but i tend to remember the story ais told me about him.haha "slim". chatted with dzul yesterday. he send "ey, ilztks tu i love zul tu kan sexy." haha! i deny it of course. but that was a good attempt. zen wanted me to go to the singapore flyers on either 24 or 25. i dont know if i can make it. but i hope i do. i want to meet him so badly. ilztks (i love zen tan kok siang:))-jodie


11:59 am

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

you're already the voice inside my head, i miss you-blink 182

hello readers:) its us, the twins. haha.random shit. gawd today was a long day and the start of many long days to come. how was the english paper you ask? well, it was exceptional but a little too draggy. but what can we do right? just for the sake of our future ahead. so there's no school tomorrow. but that does not mean we have the right to rest. yes, SPRING CLEANING ON 100908! since hari raya is coming and mama's homecoming, we thought its best that we clear up all the ages of notes, dusty dusts, creepy crawlies and whatever crap that is meant to end up in pulau semakau:) we probably be all tired like two samsui women. but, at least we get a little will right? RIGHT! awesome. so tomorrow is a-maths paper. so we would like to wish GOOD LUCK to all the peeps taking a-maths. special mention to dzulkifli who might need to copy most of the answers.

i was just chatting with dzulkifli. hawhaw. i remembered in the examination hall he manage to ask me what's the format for featured article. i, with the heart of gold (cheyy), let him peek into my paper. hawhaw. tell you what. if dzul seats beside me during exams, we tend to share. because if we share we care right dzul? hawhaw. and yes dzul is on our side. wooo aku syg kau! anyway, the most hilarious thing that happen in the exam hall today was not only mr "slim" but also the microphone incident. kayy you might find it pretty lame but seriously i find human beings HILARIOUS. okayokay. it was english paper 1 and i had a train of thoughts for my story line. i took a rather long time staring at the stage when there was a loud thud. the bloody microphone. guess what? since i was one of the few at the back, i saw everybody shock out of their wits! FUNNY SHIT LAA I TELL YOU PEOPLE! hawhaw. particularly shahid sitting 2 seats infront of me. i was practically laughing to myself. i despise bubble tea for now. ask baby. hawhaw.stomachache.bitch. kayy done. baby i miss you siaaaaaaaaaaaa-MACY!

i dont know why. but i tend to finish my english papers 10 minutes before the exam ends. its like an indication that the extra 10 mins is time for me to be engulfed with my thoughts. for today i was thinking about food. well, food was not the only one. i was thinking about what others in the same examination hall might be thinking. some may be thinking about their exam questions, some probably thinking about their girl/boyfriends, some trying to squeeze out a new gossip or those adorable people who laugh alone. i dont know if you readers ever thought of that. this only come out to me as a curiosity. something made my day today. zen finally texted:) his probably busy with his art and studies. but, its good to know his there. ily boo:)-jodie

congratulations to our darling leeyan for adopting a new blog! keep the stories going girl! love you!


9:55 pm

Monday, 8 September 2008

without you im so lost-alesana

hello all. today was hard. really. firstly, our chemistry(p3) starts today; not a good start at all. secondly, we suddenly just felt extremely thirsty. lastly, tomorrow will definitely suck big time. we did have a little "getaway" time with ais. we randomly chose to walk all the way to elias mall to buy stationeries. had fun browsing around in the shop. tiny things like that really does brighten up our day. then we headed to west plaza and continued our "browsing-craze" in fairprice. spent merely an hour there but didnt buy anything. then bought ourselves "the usual", and went home resisting the temptation of gulping the drink down our "sahara desert" like throats. but like we said, WE ARE STRONG!

its hard to understand people sometimes. two-faced people in specific. its their never ending charades that just sparks the nerves. it's rather disturbing when you actually know that she's our friend, well good friend indeed,and we trust her so much. but what did we get in return? well, her back facing us. what happen to complete open face honesty? hey, its time you think about your deeds because we can see that you are two-headed. you know her, she'll do whatever it takes to be with you, friend. to take you away from us.well, maybe that's your weakness. you are too forgiving. we have no rights to tell you off.but, its ironic isnt it that you are so close to her and when your done talking to her, you'll come running back to us saying how disgusted you are with her. ironic? think. nobody's forcing you to go with her. its your choice. we know you want to help her but it just seem that we all feel that we've lost you somehow.

friends, prelims and basically my whole life practically goes hay-wire at times. a test from god i guess. i'll accept it. moving along to a happier side of my rather gloomy life, last saturday was just awesome:) i finally met baby after 1 month i guess? i was rather please to get to see him eventhough it only took like less than 10 seconds. nonetheless, i just felt good at that moment in time. so chemistry paper today was just right. i pretty much flunk on question 10 consisting 10 precious marks. well goodbye 10 marks. i did my best though. really.i would still prefer physics though.hawhaw. i miss baby already. 1 week to 2nd month-sary. woooo! i love you-MACY!

PROCASTINATION. i've stop that ugly habit already. finally. i think that i did fairly well for the chemistry paper. question 6 was the only question that left me digging in me memory system. because i know i've studied for it but i just cant remember. well, you readers might have experienced it too, right? or am i the only one? anyway, i lust to get out of secondary school. i just want the extra freedom and not have teachers screaming at the back of your neck every time you fail to answer thier questions. other than school, i've been missing this particular someone so much. probably i've said it at an earlier post. yes, i miss zen. its been days since we last contacted. i miss him, his voice, his presence. zen, if you happen to stumble upon this, i miss you so much. i hope to hear from you soon okay boo? dont forget to eat your honeystars:) ilztks-jodie

wly!YEAHEEYEAHYEAHYEAH! haha.random shit.

8:43 pm

Friday, 5 September 2008

i hope the stars still spell out your name-alesana

hello:) it's been quite a while since we've updated. sorry readers. we've been rather busy mugging as prelims is like THIS COMING MONDAY!!. yes we've got our panic button switched on already. studied until 12.30am this morning. yes we are tired but at least we manage to cover most topics and clear our doubts about isotopes and mole calculation. we were suppose to be in school today for the ever boring poa but we are at home blogging instead.haha. we dont want to spoil the holidays looking at mr lim's face. gaaahhss!

oh well we went out with ais 2 days ago to study. it's great when everybody settle down quietly in their own space contented in actually, studying. macy's braces was another false hope.haha. 'cause we initially thought that she's going to replace her braces with retainers but appointment. well, our prayers was answered when we break-fast at marina square's KFC. we utterly miss that place. we miss the rice with bbq chicken on the level 4 foodcourt though. so reached home at around 9.

"hungry days once again, now its getting unbelievable". thats so not true for this year. somehow i like fasting this year. it seem to go by so fast. probably because im spending most of my time buried under piles of textbooks and ten-year series. i love the month of ramadhan. it is when i feel so close to god. i know that my prayers would be answered and my sins depleted. its a chance for me to revitalise and change my perspective of life. have i ever told you how much i miss zentankoksiang? i miss him.badly.-jodie

kuu:) confident siaa.haha.she called me in the morning.hawhaw.she actually went for poa but finally realise that no one was there.kaaaaaay best. sexylove is back! wooooooo! yes aidil. dont be so disappointed about whatever happen best friend. i'll be there for you no matter what :) so i heard alot of things about n level papers. well anyway guys, just do your best for the papers okay. i myself on the other hand is pretty much busy burying my nose under all my tons of notes, textbook and ten year series.hariz baby i miss you laa matrep.really.stop being so emo okay.hawhaw.go study laa boy.i love you babe:D-MACY!


12:29 pm

Double the Flava

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identical twins.
Zati Iwana & Zati Iwani
suffering from aneroxia nervosa and bulimia
we are:
  • schooling at Republic Polytechnic
  • persuing a Diploma in Business Information Systems
  • currently sixteen years young
  • passionate photographers
  • refusing to speak only to listen to the sound of our voices
  • reflections of one another but with seperate personalities

    C'mon baby shake it

    MySpace Music Playlist at

    Do visit them too

    aishah aqilah edah feezah fique hid iskandar kendra lissa marissa nieya sharifah teeqa

    You scream here


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