Sunday, 14 September 2008
it's all your fault-taking back sunday hello pembaca-pembaca setia:) hawhaw .bloody gay. so we woke up with a rather rude awakening from dad. it was partly our fault for him raging at us because firstly it was almost 12pm and secondly he tried to wake us up countlessly; eversince 10am.hah. sorry there 'pops. haha. we're tired due to yesterday's long walk. yesterday went to geylang bazaar with dad to browse at random things. bumped into azimah, elly and zaf first. followed by atiqah then kak nana. haha random sia. after much browsing, dad brought us to our favourite place, airport to have "dineupper". yes, of course we went there for ice-cream. however, only macy had ice-cream because the rest claim that they are full. rrrrrrrriiiiiiigggggghhhhhhtttttt. then went home. ahhh. tomorrow is physics p2. shitified petrified suicide.hawhaw.we procastinate yet again. thats because we dont see a need to revise physics because its all about memorising formulas right? yesterday was awkward. i was walking in the bazaar behind dad and frantically hanging on to macy's hand when this group of people shout "ey wani!". my initial reaction was to look and then i notice i dont know who were those strange strangers. my dad even asked if i knew them. i denied it of course. crazy bunch of people. you should have seen how i reacted. i was like "huh?" and tugged macy to look who was calling out my name. haha. anyway, i had a great time playing the skate-scooter with macy this morning. eventhough we did cause alot of noise due to our gigglings, it did relieved our stress of the morning. i love lunch today. curry maggie. haha.& i love zen tan kok siang:)-jodie dang! today was super porky fun! hawhaw. it wasnt what i expected it to be like because initially dad was raging mad but then the negative energy cleared. had fun with jodieboo with the spring cleaning in the room. collected about 8 bags full of trash,memories,tissues and dusty dust. then come the fun part, the skate-scooter cruise,, we were literally laughing our butts off. i've got the video. maybe i'll post it up in the coming post okay. anyway tomorrow is the day tomorrow is the day! hint: special day with baby. guess? our 2nd month-sary silly!(okay i sound gay there) wooooooooo! i love hud hariz wong yun feng alot heh-MACY! 11:06 pm
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