Sunday, 24 August 2008
hello readers:) this post is pertaining to a particular someone whose ego is higher than the furthest star in the universe.well we'll highlight the word NEGLECTED. who likes being the black sheep? we believe no one does. well just so you readers know that we have encountered this arduous narrow path of friendship. this particular someone just dont seem to understand. it doesn't seem to sink inside the thick skull of hers that we felt used because she was being self-centered. ada faham sayang? you know it sucks when someone actually assumed that there is a heirachy existing in friendships. it applys to people who assume they are the most happening-on-going-gosippers-of-all-time!which is particular, her! alright, here's our explanation to your doubts and what you practically assume is right. before we start, make sure you remember that you are self-centered.sink it into the core of your inpenetrable soul. and btw, we are not bitches:)hey, ignorance is gold/bliss? so true.please cherish it.continue to read on and you'll find yourself having a hard time. A listers: your oh so reliable most happening NORMAL ACADEMIC FRIENDS. cause you assume they know everything and you rely on them to give you fresh new insights about other people's bloody lives. so that you convey it to your gossip team. your us your 'close friends' but where is our part when it comes to problem sharing? who do you look forward to talk to everyday of your life? your buddy of course. and you keep finding for her when shes not in your sight.shes not your fucking dog.and us? so much for 9 years of awesome friendship's plainly just bullshit. plainly outcasters: US! AISHAH! okay happy:) your always the best damn thing right? yeah, we've had enough of that.everything that you think we didnt need to know as your 'close friend', we shall keep it this way. we bet you never realise that people actually felt deeply hurt just because of you brusque attitude you display towards others. you know why it came to you as a shock when we ignored you? its because we put on mask every moment we had with you. all the smiles are fake.and why do we even do that? because we cared for you.we didnt want to make you upset. but did you ever took it to account?'s again back to your seemingless act of just putting yourself before others. you are not given any rights to control people's lives. we know that you are probably denying everything we've just spurt out earlier but try sitting down in a quiet spot one day and actually reminisce and reflect about your life. you have a life so much better than we actually have have parents, siblings, friends well everybody supporting behind be specific, we lack the things you have.if you have been having a great life before, it is an indication that you are being self-centered. because you have got what you want and only what YOU WANT. but unlike you, we do spare a thought for others. we do feel what they may encounter. life is a bitch at times but you've got to learn to face it and not put blames on others. dear particular someone(you know who you are), all we're trying to tell you is to change your self-centered attitude.we have put up with this attitude for too long now. its good to know you are having fun with the guys. great isnt it to be the centre of attention? anyway, we are not bitching about you, we are being honest and making our stand.its your choice if you want to accept it or about that? much love, twins 11:26 pm
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