Thursday, 28 August 2008

when i grow up-pussycat dolls
hello readers:) its been quite a while since we posted. been busy lately with the piling homework, consultations and revisions for the up coming PRELIMS. talking about prelims, we just did our science practical exam. chemistry was a breeze but the bane of our headaches is physics. yes.why must it be about refraction? we didnt even took a glance on any of the refraction topics. kinda suck actually.
im actually very engrossed in my word search right now. i know this is random but really, it actually helps when you're kinda bored or really just want to waste time. i've been serching for the word "fiction" for 1/2 hr now but im still into the game. woohoo. hawhaw. so tomorrow is teachers day and i just dont feel like going to school.that's because there is nothing i look forward to. anyway, im still rendering my thoughts. i dont know if she would reallyreally change. im not saying that hey she wont change.however, i just feel that she needs time to actually understand other people's feeling; how to actually approach others and treat others like how they are suppose to. i need to eat my chips now. they're calling me. im famished.hariz i love you.-MACY!
im holding on to this excercise book. when i turned it around, i cant help but notice this points about "our shared values". i wonder why they even bother placing it there. haha. and one ironic thing is that there are four languages. anyway, this week really was fast. im just waiting for one day where i can go out and just go for shopping. the earliest is this coming september holidays. but its not a holiday. 2 days of school. damn. what more? so much for holidays huh? ever heard of the term '' second chance"? well, to me it dont ever matter cause people never change. if they do, why is global warming still occuring? macy is eating, i want to join her:) chipschipschips! ilztks sosososososososososososososososo much! mwahs:)- jodie

4:34 pm

Sunday, 24 August 2008

hello readers:) this post is pertaining to a particular someone whose ego is higher than the furthest star in the universe.well we'll highlight the word NEGLECTED. who likes being the black sheep? we believe no one does. well just so you readers know that we have encountered this arduous narrow path of friendship. this particular someone just dont seem to understand. it doesn't seem to sink inside the thick skull of hers that we felt used because she was being self-centered. ada faham sayang? you know it sucks when someone actually assumed that there is a heirachy existing in friendships. it applys to people who assume they are the most happening-on-going-gosippers-of-all-time!which is particular, her! alright, here's our explanation to your doubts and what you practically assume is right. before we start, make sure you remember that you are self-centered.sink it into the core of your inpenetrable soul. and btw, we are not bitches:)hey, ignorance is gold/bliss? so true.please cherish it.continue to read on and you'll find yourself having a hard time.

A listers:
your oh so reliable most happening NORMAL ACADEMIC FRIENDS. cause you assume they know everything and you rely on them to give you fresh new insights about other people's bloody lives. so that you convey it to your gossip team.

your us your 'close friends' but where is our part when it comes to problem sharing? who do you look forward to talk to everyday of your life? your buddy of course. and you keep finding for her when shes not in your sight.shes not your fucking dog.and us? so much for 9 years of awesome friendship's plainly just bullshit.

plainly outcasters:
okay happy:) your always the best damn thing right? yeah, we've had enough of that.everything that you think we didnt need to know as your 'close friend', we shall keep it this way. we bet you never realise that people actually felt deeply hurt just because of you brusque attitude you display towards others. you know why it came to you as a shock when we ignored you? its because we put on mask every moment we had with you. all the smiles are fake.and why do we even do that? because we cared for you.we didnt want to make you upset. but did you ever took it to account?'s again back to your seemingless act of just putting yourself before others. you are not given any rights to control people's lives. we know that you are probably denying everything we've just spurt out earlier but try sitting down in a quiet spot one day and actually reminisce and reflect about your life. you have a life so much better than we actually have have parents, siblings, friends well everybody supporting behind be specific, we lack the things you have.if you have been having a great life before, it is an indication that you are being self-centered. because you have got what you want and only what YOU WANT. but unlike you, we do spare a thought for others. we do feel what they may encounter. life is a bitch at times but you've got to learn to face it and not put blames on others.

dear particular someone(you know who you are),
all we're trying to tell you is to change your self-centered attitude.we have put up with this attitude for too long now. its good to know you are having fun with the guys. great isnt it to be the centre of attention? anyway, we are not bitching about you, we are being honest and making our stand.its your choice if you want to accept it or about that?
much love,


11:26 pm

Sunday, 17 August 2008

everything we had is no longer there-the academy is

hello readers:) pictures cannot be upload due to the absolute retardation of blogger's system. blame blogger. knncb ah. today is sunday and we have free time we decided to later we are having tuition. YAY! ohh one thing we forgot to tell, mimi puked.eeeeeeeeww. wah thanks for making our day mimiboo.really. but yes, a heroine would always be there to clear up those eecky stuff.who else but MACY.see mimi, she loves you no matter what. currently listening to akon's songs.haha.

the beauty of love lies in its power to unite individuals :D HARIZBABY I LOVE YOU!-MACY!

haha.i dont know what to say but i feel very ambiguous lately thinking about everything thats im trying to process all of it.whatever it is no one is to blame unless we listen to both parties.okay? i love my babygirls no matter what!ohh yes ilztks too:) mwahs!-jodie


wly!DO DO DO YOU? (haha gay)

11:53 am

Friday, 15 August 2008

lies are deceiving actions can't promise me;mess that devoured me-eyes set to kill
wooooooo colours:) this week is damn tiring.schoolschoolschool.kinda suck actually.many MANY things's just the same old epitome just revealing and repeating all over again.but we wont mention it here unless if it is needed.despite all that we did have a few moments of joy today when ros the monster didnt come to school:)this means NO GEOGRAPHY TEST!haha.congratulations to the singapore table tennis team for making it to the finals!
today is filled with elations and dejections that switch so fast that i didnt understand it myself.i was playing dominos and the "ball" game with ais using her i-pod:) i had so much fun and it was awesome! AIS NEXT WEEK PLAY AGAIN! dont forget:) i will never forget today because i practically laughed my ass off eventhough the principal was there patrolling around.and then it happened.the bane of my bad day.for whatever reason she wanted to say about me and ais, its up to her.whatever it is we didnt avoid you and we weren't ignorant towards you.weren't you the one who left without telling us? please stop making wrong assumptions okay friend? me and ais were just contented with the if you have any issue with that i'd rather you tell us pissed out of my wits.anyway, i want to apologise to zen that i was throwing my tantrums at reallyreally sorry.ilztks.thank you for being there for me:)-jodie
im rather pissed today.i knew that this day would happen.i can just feel it.i dont know, maybe it's just that friends arent really what you might expect.really.whatever it is, i dont want these epitomes to spoil my is special,yes reallyREALLYreally's my one month anniversary with hud hariz wong yun feng bin adams wong:) baby, you mean the whole world to me.your presence just makes me feel safe and love.i really love you.i swear.thank you for being such a sweetheart:) baby, im sorry that i didnt get you anything.thanks for the tissue packet haha.i find it really cute.i really had a great time today:D in school on the other hand was awesome too.i really miss talking to aqilah.i mean it's been so long sice we've spoken to each after the's nice to know that she's doing good and is herself again.tieing those lose ends surely is an encouraging. much love:) p.s to baby: the bangla stalker is your bf laa.he's jealous that you met me today.haha.i love you so very much!-MACY!

3:37 pm

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

it's your show oh baby i wanna be your CO STAR- day 26

hello readers:) todays post is gay because blogger is nothing but pain in the we cant upload our new pictures for the time being neither could we put up the colourful enjoy the dull black ink for today was our O LEVEL MOTHER TONGUE we only got to know today that we are receiving the results.bitch.well, we have B3 huh?not really.

im so dumbfounded when i saw the results.B3? i know i could have done better.i felt envious that the girls from my mother tongue class are getting their distinction.which means they dont have to retake the it explains that i have to continue doing the stupid malay compo and all.i bet cikgu lat would be jumping for joy for those who got distinction.pfft.english o level oral is on thurs.can i not do oral? i suck at it.anyway, zen dont feel upset about your results okay? whatever happens, i'll be right here for you:) baby boo, JUST DO IT:)i love zen.mwahs:)-jodie

my whole body, practically from my head to my toes is engulf with elations.i've prove myself, yes, myself wrong.i've always been pessimistic about malay language.failing is just another epitome.but what i've learnt is that with hardwork and effort, your results will show how much you've done, how badly you want it.i believe that eventhough i've got only b3, which some students would feel depress right now,for me,it's really a great great sucess.i've achieved my now re-taking malay would give me new A1 here i come baby! woooooo! okay i miss baby allooooooooooot.i swear.although we've met yest haha.i love hariz so very much :)-MACY!


10:06 pm

Friday, 8 August 2008

i want you exclusive-day 26
hello readers:) today is the much awaited 080808. woohoo olympics seh! haha. so today our school celebrated national day cum sports day at the same time. we went out of the house as early as 6am this morning. and so much for arriving early.eventually we were on time. so the whole national day parade and performance was somehow boring.we dont feel the enthusiasm in them you see. we did try to entertain ourselves by singing along to the remix version of all the national day songs. okay so after that the events began. oh yaa HAPPY BIRTHDAY FADHIL! go accountant!you did our class proud:) the 4x400m boys were awesome.they were leading all the way! special recognition to you guys because 3 of you were having medical problems. you guys did AWESOME!so did the rest for other running events:) you people did great.hey eventhough we didnt manage to win the best class award, we did enjoyed ourselves.that's the best part:D THREE CHEERS FOR 4E2! yay!
so the winners are as follows:
200m boys: shawn 2nd place
4x400 girls: ain,aqilah,iwani & christine 2nd place
4x400 boys: bakar,sherman,shawn & fadhil 1st place
we're not sure if there are any other winners. but if we do miss it out, sorry:)
this year's sports day was the first time i didnt manage to qualify to finals but hey! it's okay.i had an awesome time cheering for my classmates! although i was coughing and in the brim of losing my voice, i cant help it but just scream.i know i look super gay or a total blatant arse but what's important is being there for your team mates and feel good to let it all out :D the best event for me was the 4x400m for both girls and guys. i swear i was screaming like the world dont matter to me at all. today was awesome but not awesomeawesome because i didnt manage to meet baby. what sehhhh. next week kay? i love hariz.-MACY!
i suck at 200m.seriously.i cant sprint at all.just as my hopes were on top of the world when kendra volunteered to run for me, i was turned down. well, i was 4th for that event. my right ankle was worse as soon as i neared the grandstand.but when i was walking towards my classmates, they actually cheered for me.haha.thanks you guys.i love you all! and then 4x400m, ain was 2nd when she ran and when aqilah ran, we were 3rd. i on the other hand was 3rd but i saw that my competitor 'pancit' at the 300m mark so i went for it. christine did superbly well and we won 2nd place! GOOD JOB GIRLS:) apart from all these things happening, i do miss zen alotalotalot. boo, i reallyreallyreally miss you so much. ilztks! mwahs! oh yea, fuck ika laa. whats with you nosing about who my ex know faiz is my ex and your boyfriend, so why bother asking? ey lebih baik gi mampos laa kau dengan laki tu.sial bodoh.sumpah kau step mane peh lawa.for your info ey little girl, no one likes you.stop sticking your filthy nose into people's past.fuck, i've move on're too old to be a sec one NORMAL TECHNICAL girl.haha-jodie

9:16 pm

Sunday, 3 August 2008

ps: for ais:)
i can feel it in the beat-ciara
you readers must be wondering why we put up mimi's picture.lots of them.well it is because today is MIMI'S 4TH BIRTHDAY! here's a little birthday wish for mimi from us her favourite sisters.haha:
dear mimi-boo-sok,
it's because of your tiny frivolous acts that crack us up. your tiny gesture of biting that make us upset. your furry fur that never fail to stick to everything just reminds us of you:) your constant mews that sound so familiar to us it sounds like music. your the best damn cat we can ever ask for. your the most special littlest're the reason we come home to hug and the only one that knows us inside out. although we may despise cleaning your poo and changing your daily food and water, we still love you like we always your 12 in cat years now. your still the little kitten in our eyes no matter what:) for that we love you from the bottom of our hearts!
much love,
jodie & macy
although she might not understand a single thing about what we just said, its okay. haha. anyway, today had our tuition and then spent the entire day doing homework and watch tv. today was prolly the most boring day we encountered for the past week.literally. tomorrow is monday. the results for finals is tomorrow. damn it.
no reflections today.but jodie love zen tan kok siang and macy love hud hariz wong yun feng bin adam wong:)

9:21 pm

Saturday, 2 August 2008

thank you for being such a friend to me. ohh i pray a friend for life-flyleaf

hello readers:) today's saturday and we are resting at home. yesterday's night class was awesome thanks to nic for teaching us the memorable poa formulas. ais on the other hand, was awesome:) we reacorded her version of 'bananas in pajamas' song. it was hilarious the way she sang with thick accent.we practically laughed our arse all the way home.yesterday many people didnt turn up as the hungry ghost festival was on that day which only macy knew today.but atleast the environment was so much comfortable with lesser noise and everybody studying's just great. went back home with fad, ais and yeen.

yesterday was no other epitome's foreign.not really but somehow.i went out with baby to usual our "merajok with each other" times is a "must have" everytime we meet haha.i took a picture of him while he was eating.i want to put it up in this post but im sure he would be i wont:) anyway,just as both of us boarded bus 81 cause we had the intention of going back to pasir ris, my dad called; fuming mad.i was in deepshit.i lied of course.i had to.the journey home was rather long.but baby was there convincing me that everything is going to be okay and that dad wont be angry with me.well my mind was overthrown with overwhelming and depressing thoughts of him actually raging his anger towards me.we rushed our way to white sands popular to get my presentation board crap for dnt.i did not tend to buy it but it's part of the lie.haha.then hurried home.ironically, dad wasnt angry AT ALL.haha.shitified i know.i was rather pissed that i had to rush all the way home knowing the fact that dad was already home waiting at my doorstep ready to engulf me in his fuming mad expressions.but no.anyway,thanks baby for staying by me all the way back to my place and the time we had together.i love you so very mean more than anything to me, really:) and thanks nic for helping me in chemistry and poa.SPONGE!-MACY!

yesterday was terrifying for me. i was terrified out of my wits. i was sleeping soundly when i was awoken by someone tripping on my right leg. i opened my eyes and saw this black figure standing. at first i thought it was my grandma, cause she always go to the toilet at night.but i sense something was not right.the figure didnt was tall and has a shape of a woman. i knew it could not have been a shadow because it was away from the wall. i practically stared at it for 20s and pulled my covers. i prayed and prayed and prayed like its the end of time. then, i peeked through my covers and it was not there anymore. i swear i was on the verge to tears. so spent the whole night just staring at the wall. anyway, im fine now. but im having flu. zen boo, thanks for comforting me:) ilztks-jodie


2:44 pm

Double the Flava

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identical twins.
Zati Iwana & Zati Iwani
suffering from aneroxia nervosa and bulimia
we are:
  • schooling at Republic Polytechnic
  • persuing a Diploma in Business Information Systems
  • currently sixteen years young
  • passionate photographers
  • refusing to speak only to listen to the sound of our voices
  • reflections of one another but with seperate personalities

    C'mon baby shake it

    MySpace Music Playlist at

    Do visit them too

    aishah aqilah edah feezah fique hid iskandar kendra lissa marissa nieya sharifah teeqa

    You scream here


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