Sunday, 30 November 2008

11:16 pm

Saturday, 29 November 2008

& reclaim the words i stole
from the walls of troy - alesana

hello lovelies. the picture is to comemmorate the non-existing braces on macy and up and coming braces for jodie. hahahahaha! well, we're bored now. not doing video post 'cause we look like the picture above. oh well. next time aye.

if only we had a job now, we wouldnt be here blogging you know. eversince we applied for the jobs, none of the managers called. how can they be so mean to us? we kept whining to mom and she "coaxed" us by saying that the economy is in a slowdown. well, it makes sense actually. currently waititng for someone to come to our house. its been an hour now. where is she? anyway, we've been stuck at home for four damn days straight. how we wish we could do some studying. haha. yes, we miss studying actually. so much for complaining about studying when we were suppose to study.haha. we miss the tense atmosphere in classrooms. haha. hey, its worthwhile though that we don't have to wake up early in the morning.

seriously la eh, we dont know what to write laa kay. we'll do a video post maybe in the later part of the day or any other following days ahead. keep on waiting readers/viewers.

NOTE: for those who havent check out our individual blog, go check it out now!dont hesitate. & tag us ok?
it's right here

WLY!not all knights in shining armor can make your dreams come true. ok?

1:59 pm

Friday, 28 November 2008

hello all. check out our new individual blogs! the purpose for doing seperate blogs is not because we are fighting, its because we are trying to be independent. so that people would recognise us as two individuals with different personalities and not only knowing us as THE TWINS. but we do appreciate it though if you like us being THE TWINS.

so here is our link:
iwana (Macy)
iwani (Jodie)

please link us. dont worry, we'll still be updating this blog. video posts would be done soon okay? so be on a constant look out (:

much love,


5:58 pm

Sunday, 23 November 2008

i've gone crazy from the moment i met you - the veronicas
hello all. we are currently all messed up after our "tropical-cleaning-spree" today. kayy mepek but you get the point hah! so anyway, we'll do this post with typing. haha. we wanted to post the pictures we took with leeyan the other day but it's not in our lappy so we'll post it another time.promise.
so yesterday was a bummer.big time. -.-" huge disappointment throughout our journey. what? why you ask? it's mainly because the model interview thing doesn't work out as didnt want us to go because she knew that we have to pay for the photoshoots and all.besides, the people there are more exposed.if you know what we mean. but mom cheered us up when she brought us to delifrance to eat yet another waffle ice-cream. yumm! well, she coaxed us saying that she supports us being models, but not now. so we'll join when we're legal! that is in the age of 18! which is in two years time:)
today, nothing much really happen. we just cleared all the books in our room and now there is 3 huge boxes and estimated 8 black garbage bags. haha. don't be shocked. cause we are two people living in the same room, with the same amount of old books. haha. well, mimi had her fair share of fun in the garbage bags. now, we are just waiting for time to go by. we'll be sleeping early tonight because we have to wake up early tomorrow for jodie's dentist appointment. sulk.
WLY!you taught me how to hate you when i was so in love

4:41 pm

Friday, 21 November 2008

7:21 pm

Thursday, 20 November 2008

11:44 pm

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

6:22 pm

Sunday, 16 November 2008

salihin :D


iskandar! friends for 4 years:)

tebiat and goblok. haha. sec 2 besties

vinkie is hot.grr.haha.

sexy LEEYAN.our gothic baby :D

almost all 4e2 girls:) our SEXYLOVES. love all of you so muchie! smile pout pout.

oh DZULKIFLI. we miss your crappy potty humours already

nasrul.besties forever and ever.haha.

us at home.

sharifah! iwani's malay language mentor:) iwani love you! mwahs!


this is shahid.our butt kicking buddy.bully you soon :D ekhem.eekkhmm.LOL.

this is AISHAH! our another babylove. we love her so muchie too :D

our ravishing ladies.christine,kuu:),daphne.

daphne.she's super cute. iwana will miss those "sex" class hahahahah.

christine.she's super fly and hot.the one to beat :)

iwani's maths tutor.haha.thx for the advices dude:)

the crappy food.



watermelon.very watery.

thx shahid for the nice effects.lick lick lick lick lick it like a lollipop.heh.

dang lewis,you're super tall.haha.

imran,imran ajmain sounds nicer laa boy.

neiyaLOVE.sawong love mr maricar!

atiqah! she's super cute and kecoh.but still, we love her to bits.

iwana and thefaggisloved. haha.

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee GELLLLIII.haha.go date shua'adah laa.whatever her name is.

iwani's gonna miss your dumb stories.haha.

aishah the super model.

again haha.

hi christine :D

partners now and forever:) p.s:kendra look super fly!

well hello good looking. haha. -.-"
to sum it all up, grad night was ironically, a blast.
so friends, rip all the pictures you want here. this is all we have. send the pictures you have of us through either one of our emails. bye love. we're going to miss you so much. we promise not to lose touch okay? we are so blessed to have each one of you, treasured souls to be part of our lives.all of you have made what we are today some way or another and we send our greatest gratitude to all of you. listen to the song broken wings. its just for you. continue to view our blog okay? do tag:)
the twins

4:07 pm

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

11:50 pm

hello all:) this is the first time in many posts since we last updated using the keypad. haha. miss us? sorry, we were too busy with stuff that we cant find the time to videopost. soon alright? so here's a little something for you guys to read. we'll see you soon!
p.s:thank you all for the birthday wishes. we love you :D

1. The person who tagged you is?
leeyan love :D

2.Your relationship with him/her?
friends forever

3. Your 5 impressions of her.
into goth,super cute,super nice,super gorgeous and super artistic.

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you (us).
the cutest birthday present ever!

5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to u(us)?
she love us!

6. If he/she becomes your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?
we'll work on that.haha.

7. If she/he become your enemy, you will?
never gonna happen.

8. (Repeat Question) -(repeat answer)

9. What is it you want to tell her now?
she's super cool and we love her like heaven!

10. Your overall impression of her/him is?
gorgeous smile.

11. How do you think ppl around you will feel around you(us)?

12. The characters you love of yourself are?
jodie: haha. i love my randomness gayness?

13. On the contrary,the characters you hate yourself are?
jodie: i take things too bloody seriously
macy: haha. take things too lightly?

14. The most ideal person you want to be is?
the veronicas:) jess and lisa.

15. For people that care and like you, say something to them.
thank you.very much appreciated.we are extremely flattered :D

16.Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about you.
1: leeyan
2: aishah
3: atiqah
4: iskandar:)
5: nieya
6: nuttynad
7: lissalove
8: feeza
9: aidil.haha.
10: you.

7. Who is no. 6 having relationship with?
no idea

18. Is no. 9 a male or female?
male. "tall", dark and handsome

19. If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
depends who "you" are.

20. What is no. 2 studying about?

21. When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3?

22. What kind of music band does no. 8 like?
jiwangzzz kan?haha.

23. Does no. 6 have any siblings?

24. Will you woo no. 3?
probably not

25. How about 7?

26. Is no. 4 single?
you may never know.

27. What is the surname of no. 5?
basri? forgot.

28. What is a hobby of no. 10?
too vague.answer this yourself.

29. Does no. 5 and 9 get along well?
hahaha! that'll be impossible.

30. Where is no. 2 studying at?
siglap sec

31. Talk about something for no. 1.
she's the best friend you can ever ask for:)

32. Have you tried developing feelings for no. 8?
haha. yes. but failed (never happened)

33. Where does no. 9 live?

34. What colour does no. 4 like?
he always wear yellow tees. yellow? or is it black?

35.Are no. 1 and 5 best friends?

36. Does no. 1 have any pets?

37. Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world?
of course. no doubt about it

38.What is no. 10 doing now?
reading this and tagging (*hint).

2:43 pm

Sunday, 9 November 2008

10:27 pm

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

12:00 am

Double the Flava

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identical twins.
Zati Iwana & Zati Iwani
suffering from aneroxia nervosa and bulimia
we are:
  • schooling at Republic Polytechnic
  • persuing a Diploma in Business Information Systems
  • currently sixteen years young
  • passionate photographers
  • refusing to speak only to listen to the sound of our voices
  • reflections of one another but with seperate personalities

    C'mon baby shake it

    MySpace Music Playlist at

    Do visit them too

    aishah aqilah edah feezah fique hid iskandar kendra lissa marissa nieya sharifah teeqa

    You scream here


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