Monday, 30 June 2008

early in the morning. wake up on brand new sky-the early november

hello readers:)) lifes been such a total whirl pool. so many things happening at once. but it's kinda cool you see. anyway, today's the day. we had MOTHER TONGUE O LEVEL ORAL EXAMINATION. we swear it was pressurising.but hey, pressure turns carbon into DIAMOND! yes and the topic was awfully awkward.FOOD. turned out, all our hard work of memorising the "peribahasa" were all gone to waste. we love NASI PADANG. haha. it was a coincidence or we call it "the twin thing".apperently we talked about the same food.haha. thank god its all done now. next up is english orals. gonna do our best for it.its the language we use the most so, theres no problem.

i've just joined a new gossip team. well, i was online waiting for fun people to go online until yul started a convo with me. yes, i was suprised because i NEVER talk to her. she was awesome. i didnt know she hated the same person i hated.its a sec one girl.anyway, it felt so good to let out my despise about that girl. now i have the slightest guilt of talking bad stuff about yul last year. shes the 2nd best gossiper after macy. haha. anyway, the oral exam was alright for me. no mistakes except for the long pause to find the word that has the same meaning as ingredient in malay. my hands were out of control when i started to talk. at least i manage to end the exam. one word to describe today, AWESOME:))-jodie

RELIEVED yes i am.oral is over.the exam was quite awkward to me because of the topic.1st,the passage was about ''AISKRIM" gayshit.and then the topic is about food.but it was do-able.i did well for reading i must say.haha.yes its self motivation:) coversation was haha well kinda okay. banquet came into my mind. done tc hunn:)-MACY


5:39 pm

Friday, 27 June 2008

fate fell short this time smile fades in the summer-blink 182

hello readers:) we can only update once or twice a week because of our busy schedule. theres so many things to share and the main thing is, OUR MUM IS BACK! yay! it's awesome having her back! she did all the clean up in the house and it seem pretty clean haha :)

we bought another dress at bugis st costing 12 bucks each. it was funny that we had to rush all the way through the tiny walkway. we spent 20 mins in there. fast right? thats what we call , "speed shopping". bought mimi a new collar as mimi's current one was destroyed.literally. that collar cost much expensive than our new dress. how much is mimi's collar? $16.90 -.-"

so we've been busy studying and going through consultation after consultation. cant even catch up with our favourite shows. we miss deadliest catch. for your info, deadliest catch season 4 is coming up! ITS A MUST WATCH! but boooo to school. so anyway, our malay o level orals is like next monday.bleargh.damn.sickening.

so today, the usual lessons. ayeen and ais came to our house to rest and chat. mimi was being an idiot. as usual. now we know why people use the term "scared-ty-cat".its because of mimi.haha.toot.

to our avid readers, we've changed our hp no. do ask at msn.thx:))


2:41 pm

Saturday, 21 June 2008

the inside lingo had me at hello-the curse of curves

hello readers:)) its been a while since we updated. thats because we are exhausted with all the activites. we had camp from 18-20 june and it was the most boring camp we ever had. although the farewell party was awesome, the atmosphere was different without rahidah, arina and ling yee. there were 8 candles but only five of us blew it out. ms fong and mrs ng reminisce about our secondary 1 days and the pain we had to go through all these years. yeah, we did worked our butts off to achieve gold award for 2 consecutive years. ohh well, now we stepped down from girl guides, its one less burden. but the juniors from sec 2 and 3 are truly missed. we love you girls:))

mann.we had a hell of a time.1st day was a pain-in-the-ass because we had to pitch 2 canvas tents and 3 "pop-up" tents.then we had lunch ahh the normal field cooking.ate maggi.sickening.then kim's game and some obstacle thing then footdrills.we were oh!-so excited that we are going to have atleast a night under the tent with the seniors but SHIT mrs ng instructed us to sleep in the classroom yess.bitch.haha.2nd day was outdoor cooking.bleargh.but for the 1st time in our guiding lives our fire didnt blew off!ate those darling chicken and homemade pizza.dove is the best patrol:) haha.then blahblahblah farewell party was emotional really.haha jodie was 1st to cry.mann if only the other seniors were there.damn.then chocolate came came smearing on our delicate wow thanks.then came the game.we had to be blind fold.and guess what?they had us touch a freaking snail.wahseii thanks alot.but atleast it's not butterflies nor moths.haha.third day was shitified.done:)

kinda restless we are not gonna post both our opinions today.take care orang-orang.peace


4:13 pm

Friday, 13 June 2008

flight of broken wings-eyes set to kill

hello:) another day of boredom.damn homeworks.damn school.damn exams.gaaaahsss.okay so today is like any normal day.boredom.loud.hilarious.

so, we have nothing much to say today. because we have nothing interesting to talk about. but one things for sure, tomorrow we're probably changing our handphone number. hell yeah! no more khalid baby! yess ahh! and no more silent idiot! yay!

SUCKING TO HARD ON THE LOLLIPOP.well i cant even suck the lollipop cause it's 14cm by 11 cm.beat that yes i met mysexylove today.haha.we met under my block then he passed me this heavy bag of lollipop.gawd i simply laughed my arse weigh then we went wp to grab some milk tea and then hantar-ed him to the bus stop cause he need to go to work at HANG TEN.baek ah.i was like "u, besar seh(giggles)" den he was like "tk nk kasi i uhh" if only i could upload the pic and show you guys the lollipop.but yaa i truly miss him.anyway he tip toed all the way to the bubble tea shop beside me.haha cause he is slightly shorter than me.hilarious guy.okay so nothing much then.kay tc sweethearts:)- MACY

i failed driving test demoralised.abang in allowed me to play the driving game.and i sucked at mcuh for being the daughter of a driving sorry dad.i cant drive:(.anyway, today is surprising cause isk2 went online.i miss him alot.mrs ng called to inform me about some CCA meeting.i cant believe she still wants me to come for any meetings.gawd im pissed.anyway, i had to spread the message to the guides in still laughing at that huge lollipop macy got for at least 1 hr more thing, mimi is upset at me.i wonder why.

when you don't fit in,
you become superhuman.
you can feel everyone else's eyes on you,
stuck like velcro.
you can hear a whisper about you from a mile away.
you can disappear,
even when it looks like your still standing right there.
you can scream,
and nobody hears a sound.
you become the mutant who fell into the vat of acid,
the joker who can't remove his mask,
the bionic man who's missing all his limbs and none of his heart.
you are the thing that used to be normal,
but that was so long ago,
you can't even remember what it was like.

okay done:)-jodie


5:29 pm

Thursday, 12 June 2008

darling dont lie to me-eyes set to kill

hello readers:)) we cannot upload pictures yet because blogger just wont seem to co-operate with us..but it's nothing much happen today..again,we were stuck up at home but this time we did study..we did maths assignment on algebra..we were suppose to do english which we didnt even take the initiative to do let alone read all those long paragraphs of words that make no sense..but hey, atleast we did something beneficial..

we are really bored stuck up at home..and even if we want to go out, questions like:
go out with who?
what are we gonna do?
where to head?

it's not that we dont have anyone or anywhere to go to/'s just that we plan everything first hand before we go out..and there must be a reason..talking about going out, we have yet to go to mind cafe with abang an and kak nana..this coming weekends please:) anyway, we want to watch kung fu panda..heard the movie was good..turn off: no cash hunny..we havent start on our shopping has to be postponed to the 230608 which probably is a bad day cause school reopens already and there is room to only maybe 4 days to mother tongue o level orals.. prepaid is low again..daaaanngg..i feel suckish now that i have to save 28 bucks just to top up again..i have yet to reply sexylove cause my sub-concious mind refrain me from texting him and i dont know why..maybe im being too self-fish that i only replied sexylove whereas just leaving wan worried all about me..i feel kinda bad but hey, it just seems to me that sexylove is my 1st priority..or i maybe wrong..maybe sexylove was so decieving now knowing the fact that i had him now and knowing that i cant afford to lose him again,i may be biase towards wan and he dont even wow.. anyway, im meeting sexylove tomorrow to get my BIG LOLLIPOP he promised haha..i know random but hey atleast i get to meet him again:) i bet im gonna be in a huge neurosis situation tomorrow..haha..i hope not..okay then sweethearts tc -MACY

i've been to bothered about my thoughts on khairul that i merely forgot about one true friend, fouad my toothfairy..he texted me last night..its as if he heard me from within..its nice to know he's there to comfort me..anyway, i have the urge to go shopping..i really need the boho skirt, the awesome tote bag, the cute dress and so much wishlist never ends..

whether or not you believe in FATE comes down to one thing:
who you blame when something goes wrong.
do you think its your fault-that if you'd tried better,
or worked harder,
it wouldn't have happened?
or do you just chalk it up to circumstance?
i know people who'll hear about the people who died,
and will say its god's will.
i know people who'll say it was bad luck.
and then there's my personal favourite:
they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time

and so, im currently reading nineteen minutes..its an awesome book..ok im done for now:))-jodie


3:57 pm

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

the only eyes you look into are those in your reflection-alesana

hello there dear readers :) we are stuck up at home doing nothing but this..feeling so bored and today dad woke us usual macy would be the one to wake up to save both our skins..jodie as usual lazy lazy we watched tv while having breakfast..then read books and listen to songs..then continue to watch tv and eat, we are thats basically what we did..

so now our mini conflict is fading away since all of us are happy with our own lives..its good because we really depise all these conflicts and really hate to be in one..why? because it wont solve any now, no more conflicts, time to use the time left to focus on things that really matters: STUDIES.. so much for that really..we have all the time in the world but everytime our hearts seem to budge us to study, our sub-concious mind just took over and put all those thoughts aside..

okay so i've been doing alot of thinking about khairul and have decided by 290608 if he still remains silent, i'll leave im counting down the days..i guess you think im a retard, but thats my plan..i just miss those days when i receive a good morning text every time i start my day and a good night everytime i end my day..i wonder how it feels because i simply lost that feeling of care..haha..i must be crazy..but a simple gesture would go a long way..but i try to be strong..i know im too young to fall in love..

nobody wants to admit to this,
but bad things will keep on happening.
maybe that's because its a chain,
and a long time ago someone did the first bad thing,
and that led someone else to do another bad thing and so on.
you know,
like that game where you whisper a sentence into someone's ear,
and that person whispers it to someone else,
and it comes out wrong in the end.
but then again,
maybe bad things happen because its the only way we can keep remembering what good is supposed to look like.

im done for now-jodie

i had a little moment where i reminisced about good things in life.thus i would like to write a gratitude note to fareez ( oh fafa mybabylove) so here it goes:

oh fafa, i swear i miss's been quite awhile since i've heard from you.eventhough we may be losing contact, i want to thank you for touching my heart.i used to be crazy over you i swear.whenever i see your picture in my phone you just make me go LALA:)baby, i will never forget those cute little text you will send and the calls you will make to say sorry for not replying. it makes my heart warm just knowing that you cared for me.and yes the nickname you gave me, nana, will stay by me no matter what.well just so you know that you are the only person that call me that :) although we didnt really get to know each other very well, just knowing your presence in my life was suffice.though, i have always wish to have known you even more.babylove you are the best.well, go pursuit your model career in the future. i hope to see you on the topman walls in the nearest outlet haha.p.s just work on those pacs okay:) by the way, i still have your voice love

kay done.i love mysexylove:)-MACY


4:36 pm

Monday, 9 June 2008

liar in the glass-eyes set to kill

hello readers:)) yes its been a while since we've updated and posted pictures..finally had the time and urge to update the blog today..the pictures above were taken on 310508..blogger finally gave up and yes colourful colours is BACK yaww..these past few days has been a total whirl pool for us because of the tight schedule..we have to do so many things at so little time..this time constraint really is a burden..anyway, our brother is leaving us tomorrow for his NATIONAL SLAVERY..(lmao but that was what he claimed)..we are going to miss him alot although he is going to be present every weekends..haha lets see the new hair cut tomorrow:))

one more person we are currently missing..our MUM! shes coming back soon and its great:))
anyway, today was plain boring..PASAI..we came for poa lesson an hour early..haha atleast we were not alone:) so vinkie,nic,sherman and us went to mcd to have breakfast..kecoh pork siaa they after watching nic and vinkie gobble up their food we headed back to school..had our lessons and went home..didnt go for dnt..reason? LAZY, INACTIVE, INDOLENT, INERT, SLACK, SLOTHFUL, SLUGGISH,SUPPINE,TORPID..
time to break up..where's your son? hurts to break up but i still want to..i've had enough of the awkward pissed of with not only him, but myself..why? because im too patient about things like those who are in love, just face the truth we are too young.. i know thats true because so long i was in love with him so i thought..khairul, its time..anyway, i have nothing much to write so i have something to say:
i think a person's life is supposed to be like a dvd.
you can see the version everyone else sees,
or you can choose the director's cut-the way he wanted you to see it,
before everything else got in the way.
there are menus,
so that you can start at the good spots and not have to relive the bad ones.
you can measure your life by the number of scenes you've survived,
or the minutes you've been stuck there.
life is more like one of those dumb vidoe surveillance tapes.
no matter how hard you stare at it.
and looped..
the same thing,
over and over
-jodi picoult
ok im done for now..f.y.i the picture of my brother is taken by me:)) haha tangkap credits..-jodie
LEXICON means dictionary..haha kay random..myonlywan yes imy bi:) damn today was awfully boring..mann poa was such a painstaking lesson..cant bear to futher my studies about business..i'll prolly die of insuffient space of memories for numerical digits and values..but i want to send my greatest gratitude to mysexylove for making my day:) so very nice of you..had a good time speaking bahasa baku with you haha! and yes thanks for making me feel better..i love you for that:) and to jodieboo..hey no matter what i love you..i'm always there to support you and give the very best for you..besides this is the last year we're gonna spend time together:) you're so true, we are too young..lets put our goals and studies as our priority cause this will determine our future..idk for what reason but yes im proud of you! anyway, khalid called me yesterday..pork kan i noe..he got cd for ns same lyk my bro..fdhsligdfks..whatever mann you're just fucking desperate fagg that needs to get a life but do not wish to own one cause you're simply useless haha..puas hati aku..and yaa sorry for my harsh words that might offend you yesterday i bet you know what's the purpose:) kay mwahs-MACY:))
ok we're done for now..we want to tidur:))

11:38 pm

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

dont look back in anger i heard you say-jet

hello readers:)) the colour cannot be no colourful colours..anyway, school's been a pain in the ass because of dnt..gawd..knowing the fact that we have to complete our artefact by the end on june is impossible..there are still kazillion things to do and we just dont feel like doing with the hot,dusty,noisy environment..oh no way we're opting for engineering in the future..and although we sense that mr maricar is trying to help, he just seem to be the last person we would approach..why? we are not sure about that..anyway, had english mock test for paper was an average for us cause we did the passage last year..summary was a breeze for us..

'dollarbillion' fell sick when she saw us appear out of no-where..she's just plainly acting sick cause she looked okay..but what do we care right?

there are a few people that exsist in this world who dont treasure time..when there's free time, they would use it to annoy other people..what great benefit do you get? there's this particular person that doesnt even knows us and said that our term "TWINS" is! thats a first time..maybe you should introduce yourself and get to know us better before you start spitting out words thats just plain useless..we're not sure who you are, but you are one timid person..please use the extra time you have to do something beneficial..because you know you dont have much are such a big time loser you see..

anyways guys, just so you know that people nowadays are plainly dumb and self be prepared to face these people.just take note that these people doesnt deserve your awesome time.. you got the rest of your life without them:))

to farah: we arent minahs okay? we've never seen you before and you dont even know why bother even tagging at ais's blog? are you that childish to waste your time annoying people? maybe you just need that time to reflect on yourself..are you that perfect? besides, you have 2 that isnt perfect..go for a surgery and remove those balls if you are afraid to show your face:))anyway, please take note that we are IDENTICAL TWINS so dont claim that we are not okay..GO FUCK YOURSELF! why are you so bothered about our nick anyway? are you suffering from OCB? or maybe your just plain dumb..haha no life sore loser..

oh SAYYAAANNG..i miss my time posting..there's so much things going on..maaaannn especially my social life..totally crazy topsy isnt that all suckish tho:)) anyway, todays mock test was surprising..really..the paper was given last year for practice haha..should have read all the answers right..yaa anyway i was kinda pissed today because of dnt..pork..maricar aint in a good mood yaww..whatever laa artefact is bullshit:)I MISS KUU.. haha partner in class..i miss those lame jokes and motivational notes we used to exchange..I LOVE MYSEXYLOVE..yes i really do..haha fin was surprised when i told her we contact each other back..cause my obsession wont let me leave you see:)) i miss wan too:))aidil hunn, my choco cake horr-MACY:))

wow macy misses alot of people..well me? not really..i dont have that much people to miss..toothfairy texted me last night..its nice to know hows his life and catch up with stuff..but had to end the conversation cause pak itam wanted to text maricar's mood swayed alot today..he was nice to me at first, but then he unleashed the monster in him..he scolded ais,macy and me for taking a 1hr break..haha..its because we were busy watching 'dollarbillion's charade..haha..i havent heard from khairul for a very very very long time..well my patience will run out soon..yesterday's my 3rd great right? maybe its time for me to move on..goodbye to you? i guess-jodie

well we'll update soon:))


6:30 pm

Monday, 2 June 2008

this awkward silence makes me crazy-blink 182

hello dear readers:)) yess is been quite awhile since we've updated..well it's simply because we are busy with school and catch up with our social there is a conflict going around..tell you what, lets talk about it:))

she's been jodie's friend for 4 years now and macy's friend for 3 seems like every year there are conflicts and it always involves her..the usual reason for these conflicts are because of guys or so called feeling left out..just a question to you "have you ever spare a thought for others?" oh well maybe your just being self centred..remember secondary 3? like wow, we barely even talk..did we ever complain or cry for pity? no..although we felt like the outcast among the whole group of girls we have no choice but to be close to kendra..and that year, you fucking hate her and avoided us cause we hang out with her..what's wrong with you? remember during sec 2 when you had no friends because you fought with ais,fin and lee? who was there to pick you up from the dumpster? well guess..ITS US THE TWINS! dont you remember? we pity for you thats why..and now just because ain and fin are very close you get all bumped out and feeling so ego about think only you have gone through this? well think again..just so you know, nobody is trying to pull no one..cause its our choice to leave you..and our reason is because of your 'self-centered' attitude..and now when you hve no one to turn to, you turn to those that you hated? my gawd..oh like so much for your true friends..hey, you claim that we were your so called true friends..why dont you reflect on yourself before even thinking of saying that to us..have you ever thought about the hurtful words you spit out towards your friends? if you dont reflect im sure your current friends would leave you too someday..and you told wana that why i didnt tell you that i dont like you ever since the start of the year remember?..hey please recall that we were never ever close friends last year so how should i know your true colours..girl, think before you speak..ohh yeah, so much for 'jodoh' ehk? haha..its dumb to think that someone is willing to be your 'jodoh' just to make you your 'jodoh' huh? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS OR UNTIL THE END OF TIME..well just take note that everything you do will turn against you one day..its call karma baby..the vicious cycle continues as long as you leave my better think of your mistakes you made towards ANYONE then forgive and a little softer with your tone and smoothen out all those ugly attitude of yours and you'll be AWESOME in no time hunny:) trust us, it works..

okay we hope she reads this and change for the better..

anyway, went out with ais and ayeen on 310508..HOOOOOOO! its like so fuuuuunnnnnnnnnn!we had the time of our lives..but we still ahve so many people to go out with and they are LISSALOVE, EDAH, SHOPPING PARTNER, ABG AN, KAK NANA, WAN, SEXYLOVE AND TOOTH FAIRY:))and ayeen, ais, lee and fina AGAIN! huahua! ohh yeah..the conflict didnt really end with any tragedies, but we benefited from it:)) atleast now we dont feel like an outcast anymore.. thank you aqilah for this conflict..appreciate it loads baybeh!

pics to be uploaded soon..haha sry no colourful colours today..blogger CIACAT LORH!


5:10 pm

Double the Flava

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identical twins.
Zati Iwana & Zati Iwani
suffering from aneroxia nervosa and bulimia
we are:
  • schooling at Republic Polytechnic
  • persuing a Diploma in Business Information Systems
  • currently sixteen years young
  • passionate photographers
  • refusing to speak only to listen to the sound of our voices
  • reflections of one another but with seperate personalities

    C'mon baby shake it

    MySpace Music Playlist at

    Do visit them too

    aishah aqilah edah feezah fique hid iskandar kendra lissa marissa nieya sharifah teeqa

    You scream here


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