Wednesday, 30 April 2008

chico said"melting"

im hot cause im fly!

over-grown facial ugly hairs!

lighting effects you just adore

curly said murley then went to do the hurley with wurley and burley yaww!


hello readers:)) can this week be anymore stressing? exams starts feels like there was english overload in our brains..too many english pushed into a lala can that be laa right..eventually, we manage to survive the gruelling english exams..we have to admit that doing exams in the hall is waaaayyyy scarier than classroom..and yess for the first time in our lives we are sitting side by side aww cool or what? iskandar also sits at our row..gaaahhsss..ok so the situational writing was on proposal..quite ok laa..

so then had paper was easy but the summary was difficult..there was lack of points and we were forced to put unrelevant points..but wth..its done anyway:))so nothing much going on now..just plainly muggin for the next few papers..ahh..break tomorrow yesss labour day..but yaa still need to studies is critical and so is malay..MUST GET DISTINCTION FOR MALAY!!!haha we swear we're gonna take one lifetime..

so we are very concerned for you readers. so here are some quotes and phrases for you to motivate yourselves:

-goals must be worthwhile and meaningful

-you are creating the life you are gonna live tomorrow

-what you say is what you get

-success is a day to day progressive realisation of pre-planned, personal, worthwhile goals

-the future depends on what we do in the present

-everything is created twice, first in the mind

-change your thoughts change your mind

-dont see the hopeless end, see the endless hope

-its not how good you are, but how good you want to be

-nothings worth losing especially the chance to make it right

-believe that theres hope buried beneath it all

ok so much for those words..

CHAN MALI CHAN OI OI!doifsjksdhakk..freaking hell laa..she was a nuisance man..wth..okay so english paper was not bad it was do-able..but i kinda suck at situational writing..i had 20 mins to re-write my paper..stuuuuppeeddd laa kambeng..i hope chan gave mrs koh my folio or else ill be freaking toast in the freaking toaster wooaahh macy lmao-.-" but yaa its kinda true to a certain extent laa..and yess aidil fail to reply so much for going to study yest eh..yaa cos frogs moan..MOAN?! its croak btw..anyway ter-bumped into i mean..yess kinda miss that guy..then shawty snap came online then when i clicked his name i just haf nothing to say..anyway i just hope i can meet aidil tomorrow..hersheys bubblegum suck bigtime:)-MACY:))

i've got so many things to say..first, can i vent my anger? ROSMONSTER sungguh gangster..haha..but seriously..she is freaking biased..just because i slack only in her class and dont really write alot of notes like someone, i scored lower marks than her..cb ah! i even copied notes for that test and all i get was7/15? great or what? ROSMONSTER AND SAHRULFATASS GO AND DIE AHH! those are the people that have nothing to do so disturb me..another idiot is chan but i got over kedi has a new partner in crime..since he left kedot, it had been a hard life for now it is kedi and pondan..suitable right? i know..irony is, shes the man..haha..okay i admit that she is too guyish for him but he's gay right? so its a perfect couple..haha..ok the paper 1 part 1 sucked..i dont know if i can score high marks cause i was too disturbed with the song "suffocate" i suffocated in my brain..eventually, i came up with a story with a boring still coughing..for a month! gawwd..great or what? and i had hiccups for 3 hrs..haha..whats gone into me? haha..shoo! i miss going out with mylittlesuperhero..we can barely meet now..sad right? i know..ok done-jodie

DOLLARDOLLARBILLION..see imma tell you like you told me, cash rules everything around me ("nigga accent")


2:59 pm

Friday, 25 April 2008

we were born for this-paramore
hello dear readers:)) and atlast the pics are able to be uploaded..its friday so have extra time to post..this week was a roller coaster-ride..its fast, fun, but extremely sickening..haha..ok today's lessons were lyk boring..we had chem test about mole was suppose to be easy, but everything tends to get mixed up when the test began..but its not included in MYE so no worries:))
everybody in class seems to be sick..why uhh? everyone in class demands tissues, sneezes, cough-out-loud and make noises that is just ohh so disgusting..haha..hope you guys recover soon before MYE okays:)) and yess CRS thingy isnt working yaw! so fucked up laa..lyk unfortunately we are gonna do the oral exam with mrs rajan..thx alot to the girls who took 2 hrs just reading out a passage..whats so hard about reading a simple passage? perfectionist or what? ppffftttt...
i have flu for 2 weeks, sore throat for 13 days, coughing for 3 days and had fever for 30 mins..great or what? hopefully i'll get well soon enough before worries are all gone now that khairul is back:)) yay! so anyway, i suck in malay orals..i scored 27/ one of the lowest in my malay class..but i promise to do so much better in the coming o' was suppose to be a good day but that fucking mdm sahrul took my purple clip away..i was fuming mad cause 1st, its one of the only clips i have left and its purple! i swear that she's gonna get fired by the end of the month..fuck it..-jodie
so i met myhotadviser yesterday:)) yess to send his songs..haha i kinda miss his laugh tho..anyways last wed was fuuuunnnn! not really laa but yaa..i went to the malay class at night from 7.30-9pm..went home with dzul & aishah..we had to do some peribahasa ws..yaa lame me its lyk normal lessons so it isnt benefiting me at all..but lyk ais said"just go for the fun of it:))"oh malay orals was lyk ok..haha..i got higher than jodie 28/40..merit only..gendeng laaa..but hey its okay im sure i'll do better..and to wan, dont be pessimistic okay..just go ahead and lead your dont need them to make you feel down..besides, im here if you need any help okay:))-MACY:))

3:06 pm

Monday, 21 April 2008

silent screams, beautiful in blue-alesana

hello dear readers:)) its been quite a while since we've updated..theres so much going on and we dont even know where to start..well MYE is lyk coming up so we dont really haf the time to update..but for today's case, we were kinda stressed out so this is on of the ways to let it all out!

on saturday, went to lissalove's house..we miss her alot..she had grown a little taller and thats good news:)) haha we were there to celebrate our uncle's or what..haha..the bowling game was fun..then had our poolside talk:)) ohh just reminiscing about our happy moments..we did camwhored but the pics are with our cousin..

sunday had tuition..

so today, it was average..we had malay orals with cikgu lat and it was damn scary..we went out of words..we did try our best to translate all the english words that just kept popping in our heads..the topic was unbearably tough! and so, we are currently finishing up our homeworks and doing social studies revisions..

PERKHIDMATAN..gawd..what a topic kan..yess its the oral topic for the conversation..hands down it was the hardest time of my life just by coming up with simple malay words to say! reading was fine tho:)) and yess sorry ppl for not replying all your neverending messages..i'll text you guys soon aye..oh yaa was suppose to meet up with sexylove last friday but we didnt meet at all..such a turn off!but he texted me at night asking whether i was asleep..gaaaahhss..whatever dude..-MACY:))

im trying to be optimistic with what im going through..i dont know if its me or if its that particular someone's fault that we are in distant..i know that the person is going through a new environment and that i should understand the situation..but how long can i wait? i miss those days alot..that person changed so much..but im trying to put those thoughts at the back of my head so that my only focus is much for waiting i guess..lets just see what fate has in store for us..-jodie

to lissaLOVE; just so you know that we really3 care for you.we understand that you are in a very awful situation but hey dont see the hopeless end see the endless hope..let that bitch be laa okay:)) you know we love you..and to ***** stop tagging us laa can? why not get your own blog and speak what ever is in your mind..or maybe you dont have piss off!


6:04 pm

Monday, 14 April 2008

dont ever leave me girl, i need you inside my world-j. holiday

hello readers:)) we still have problems uploading pics so you just have to wait..anyway, we had a lil spare time today so we are here was normal..kinda ended school at 1.30 and no geog class so we decided to go to ws to buy eyeliner..yes, we sacrificed our time and money just to buy our beloved eyeliner..the only thing that give us hope each morning..ok yaa den went home..nothing much really happen tho..oh yaa we played the SINGAPORE game during poa and recess haha!fuuuunnn:))

so we just wanna let go our feelings towards this group of people that we just dont understand..we are not gossiping or anything..its just our personal anyway, there's this group of people that bother of life..especially one of them..lets call her " 1"..since she entered our class in 2006'7, everything seems to have change..we used to be the ones that people turn to for help..but since that year, her popularity among the guys seems to have changed everything..lyk drastic change..the way the guys treated us and its lyk as if we are the ones who are prone to be called"outcast"..somehow guys get attracted to her..and there is no logical reason why..and it seems lyk she just have this inner self-pride that has no boundaries which make her look sluttier..whenever we turn out to be better than her in terms of dressing, academics or anything(you name it), she would want to lyk compliment us and make us look stupid at the same time..its lyk no common sense at all..ok fine she is oh so well friendly but wtf do we urself a friend.hah so much for that..ironic isnt it how people can change into a monster that quickly? anyway, that group of people should get a life and stop making yourselves look is a public place you dont own civilise okay? and its annoying that all you guys do is to make us as a spare tyre..when you need us, we are there but if you dont, throw us away..reflect about yourself 1st please..

MYSEXYLOVE IS BACK! yesss AWESOME KAN?! i know i know! and yesss im meeting him this friday! so cancel other dates!haha! sexylove is loved:))yesss i believe that theres hope buried beneath it all and yesss my obsession wont let me leave:))& see he's back!woohoot!dzul,yes i rock thx2 but u rock even more laa abeh!nyahaha..-MACY:))

gaaaahhss! IM NOT KENTAL NOR WIERD! so pissed of with dzulkifli the green monster!!! he called me kental for no reason..ehh, check your kamus can? kental is strong tao! sp i'll take it as a compliment:))but i dont know why i just cant get angry towards him..khairul's birthday is coming up soon and so does shoppingpartner and sittingpartner's birthday..ramai right? haiyerss..i dont know if i can afford to buy them saving up for myself let just see..anyway, i wanna meet khairul soon..i miss him alot..-jodie


3:29 pm

Saturday, 12 April 2008

take everything away from me-ALESANA

hello reders:)) yesterday was horrible and frustrating..its like evrything we do just turn out the opposite..1st we were kinda late to meet up with,that particular someone somehow forgot about the seniors in guides..and to make things worse, she was late and the den key was with her..fucking idiot..followed by someone who lyk suddenly came and make the whole company frown lyk asses..den a sudden downpour that just washes our hope and desire into the fucking drain..our hardwork and effort just didnt seem to pay off..those painstaking days that we were forced to stayback after consultations..maybe there are reasons why these shit happen..

followed by the stupid reception and the awesome prize presentation and performance.. had to serve the VIP..lame laa abeh..and it seems that teachers in the VIP tables just cant stop insulting us in some weird kinda then tell mr ng to stop making use of guides to serve! we waited for mrs ng to dimiss us..but when she came up, packets of food were placed infront of our eyes..that particular person was scolded and gawd it felt so we forced our every muscles to munch on the horrible yaa overall yesterday simply suck and we are officially step down from guides:))

so currently waiting for our tutor to arrive..nothing much to say..

so much for getting money..i received a plaque and a certificate was humiliating to go up on stage..haha and the GOH's hand was huge! haha! after the concert, went to guides den and changed to my school shoes..had 3 bites of a cake and a gulp of water..macy's hotadviser looked at me awkwardly..haha..bdh..and so, helped out with the serving of food..and it was hell..mrs ng gave an excuse to me and boo that the GOH wanted to see us together.. the main reason? we are twins..ok much for an awesome farewell to missing khairul alot..1 more week to his birthday and im still not contacting him..a few more days to go..gaaaahhsss..MYE coming up soon and i have to revise to prove my dad wrong that i can pass all my subs..woots!-jodie

GAY! yesss yesterday was simply seems as if i was there as a lampost..yes doin nothing but getting much for honours day anyway in the midst of preparing for the VIP table, myhotadviser lyk turned up..haha!yaa but i didnt manage to tok to him tho..well only boo made my day:)) yess we had a good laugh otw home..oh yess 090408 was GERARD AUTHUR WAY'S BIRTHDAY! awesome or what! he is 31 this year laa abeh.but hey he is still hot as ever:))(eventho he is married) well it was aishah and ms lim's bday too:)) -MACY:))

to ***** on our tag board, you have no life. so do get one:))

ok so, the pictures still cannot be uploaded..yes, it makes us upset..but what to do? so we wont be blogging alot starting from next week cause we have to do alot of revisions..ok done!


1:08 pm

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

they build their dreams on my shattered hope-ALESANA!

hello readers:)) yes we miss you alot..our lack of posting is mainly due to the fact that honours day is coming up soon..until then, we are really really really busy..but on top of that, we do take some time from our busy schedule to update..see, we love you people too much:))

so today school was kinda average.macy got sick laa abeh..she had jodie had to spend the whole of PE lesson alone..infact, it was the first time in 3 years! gaaahhsss! ok so lessons were dull..but was happy to haf mr haniff back teaching us physics again! theres no english and no maths it was a great escape from those dirty jokes and annoying accent..


oh yess:)) IT'S MYSEXYLOVE'S(aidil) BIRTHDAY! yay! yeaa well belated birthday actually haha..well i wanted to post his pic but i guess you guys shud noe laa kan..besides blogger aint co-operating..anyway, i just wanna say that eventhough we are not so close as we used to but hey! ur presence simply make me go LALALA! just so u noe that ur the best guy i've ever known so far:)) you've been there for me whenever i needed you and i noe i will always count on you! AND
baby i love you! ok so happy birthday to toothfairy!haha!yeaa kinda miss him yeaa i had migrane in skool and i wanna give my greatest gratitude to KUU:)) mydarling! yeaa cos she took care of me nice kan..yeah so today was sucky..but i was overjoyed when sexylove texted me..lyk rare gitu kan:)) and yess i miss shawtysnap!so lets meet up soon ok..-MACY:))

YAY! ITS OD'S BIRTHDAY! i miss you laa samurai..i miss your little mimi and your and pak itam are one of my best buds:)) mrs rajan showed my stuff in my pencil case to the whole class..she made me look like a fool..ohh gawd..i really felt like swearing my head's off..gawd..humiliating today, not much laa..but i think i have a hidden good at basket ball! haha! i just found out just tmr more rehersals! ohh damn missing khairul so much..i dont know when he'll be getting back his hp..i guess its not gonna be soonn:(( khairul i miss you:))-jodie

ok done! most probably not gonna update anytime soon..


4:44 pm

Friday, 4 April 2008

my head is filled up with smoke-taking back sunday

hello readers:)) its been long since we updated..thats because of our tight schedule that wont allow us any time to rest..we still cannot upload the pictures so we are just hoping it works tomorrow..anyway, today was kinda tiring and irritating yet fun at the same time:)) nyahaha..had guides laa is such a great feeling to let go your frustration by shouting at people..haha..but it is for a reason okay..the problem with them is just that they wouldnt want to yeaa..

so guides ended kinda early today..around we decided to play a few ball was like a stress relief for us seniors especially to arina, rahidah, macy and jodie that supposedly didnt after guides, we went to white sands to walk around..finally decided to 'lepak' under blk 533..had an awesome time with our awesomes:)) haha..idah was damn cute..she said "excuse me" and throwing her hips side-to-side to somehow avoid was one of the rare occasions that we laughed till there is no ending..(we are still laughing about it now)..HAHA!so then suddenly"WEE WEET!" haha kental pe..theres this guy on a bike saying that.. lame laa abeh..

ohh yes! almost forgot! yesterday we went to the dentist and there was this 2 "matreps" and they said the most annoying compliment ever..the first guy said " ey kembar ehk?" the other guy said"eyy, lawa laa dier" or we just ignored those idiots..

EXCUSE ME2! nyahaha! cute laa kan.. ok anyway i have a freaking good news! here it goes: im going to use a retainer soon! means no more braces! its happening on august!yay! yeaa went to dentist yest..i got black for my braces..was suppose to meet wan but he didnt yeaa..anyway, atlast i met myhotadviser today to send his songs..guess what? more songs to download..gggaaahhhsss..haha..about lyk 5 songs..aidil, mySEXYlove's birthday is coming up yawww!oh yeah happy birthday to my awesomeanggun NADHIRAH! ok daa~-MACY:))

2nd april was nadhirah's birthday and it also my 1 month anni with khairul:)) i was so happy to recieve a message from him..okay so, had rehersal for the award thing and i swear it was such a waste of time..okay so i am craving to buy a new school bag because my bag burok already..but no $$$ i gotta save..alot of people's birthday is during april..aidil's on 7, fouad's 0n 8, aishah's on 9 and khairul 19..great or what? okay so yesterday in dnt class was maricar did not come to class so nieya and sayang dayang and i gossiped..haha..i love them:))okay done.. ilove khairul:))-jodie

we miss mama alot:))


8:06 pm

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

stand up push out get moving-the automatic

hi to still cannot be uploaded due to some technical yes today was tiring due to seems like NAPFA test that we are taking is not going any better..we are getting worse each year..we almost failed 2.4km, our standing broad jump is getting lower, we barely make it for the shuttle run, sit ups;well yeah gotta cheat haha!, pull ups was not bad..haha..we passed..but we wanna re-do when mr yap comes back:)) we believe that theres hope underneath it all..

oh today was HILARIOUS! thx to dzul for all the's the best:)) he sang for the class 4e2 version of the barney song and we gotta admit for once he is such a sweet guy:)) awww..then we played the class all-time favourite game HANGMAN!! haha! though we outsmart him at almost all, we did learn some unusual is a great way to learn new english yeaa practically, that was what we did during far, the whole day is an average..

dhafagg started talking to me..i felt bad to ignore him so i decided to listen to his crap..i gotta admit i miss talking to him..ok so i dunno if his attitude have changed, but if he still doesnt, theres no way i wanna be close frens with him anymore..i had enough of last year..ok so, i was damn shocked when i got to know im going to recieve an award for girl guides..yay! shazilla likes mr murale:)) haha..he is unusual cause he reminds me of the gay offence:)) so anyway, i finally contacted khairul:)) oh yes i miss him alot and tmr is our 1 month anni:)) ok done..btw, macy my sweetest boo, i love you so much! thx for de little note:))-jodie

so yesterday..was suppose to meet up with shawtysnap yes..him..he called i din answer..idk laa anyway, im missing this particular person,(yes its chico) so badly and i really hope i would meet up with him this thursday:))you know, i really miss contacting him..that cute little accent that makes you just wanna pinch his cheecks kinda feeling..yeaa.. oh yes myhotadviser..i have yet to send him those songs..yes im forgetful..and im so sorry..and wan! pls top up ur ppd! its killing me that i have to reply you i swear!haha..ok yaa so i made a note for jodie during poa lesson..haha! i wrote"JODIEBOO I LOVE YOU TO BITS MY MUFFIN MONSTER!" haha! i know im very nice:)) -MACY:))

there is gonna be a HONOURS DAY PARADE REHERSAL tmr and we're prolly nt gonna blog..we miss you awesome people:))


5:04 pm

Double the Flava

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identical twins.
Zati Iwana & Zati Iwani
suffering from aneroxia nervosa and bulimia
we are:
  • schooling at Republic Polytechnic
  • persuing a Diploma in Business Information Systems
  • currently sixteen years young
  • passionate photographers
  • refusing to speak only to listen to the sound of our voices
  • reflections of one another but with seperate personalities

    C'mon baby shake it

    MySpace Music Playlist at

    Do visit them too

    aishah aqilah edah feezah fique hid iskandar kendra lissa marissa nieya sharifah teeqa

    You scream here


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