Sunday, 30 March 2008

what did i gain now i miss her so-blink 182

hello readers:)) gawd we're bored..our homeworks are not complete but what do we care? one things for sure, we have to go to school early tomorrow to copy answers..haha! ok so yesterday was nothing much so we'll skip..

today we went to white sands to return those horribly boring malay novels which is so drama-mama..but we ended up borrowing another one just for the sake of improving our horrendous least we put in effort..though our main objective was to shop, we did think about school okay.. so we had to buy nadd a birthday present..we're not goin to mention it here:)) haha..sikrek..ohh yes! we learnt to dance jumpstyle yesterday and omg it was much better than shuffling haha!

anyway we wanted this particular dress so badly yet there were no smaller size..thx ehh guys! if we were to wear the dress, we would look like we are overgrown-skinny-freaks-plus-oh-so-scary-little-muffins-gone-wild-and-mad! nyahaha! ok so anyway printed a few pics for macy's dnt project..mahal oi! 12 bucks fer lyk 5 pics..bodoh pe..

today we wont do seperate reflections cos we have no time..we have to go soon:)) we cannot upload pics..maybe in de weekdays to come..gaaahhhsss..sorry peeps.


5:40 pm

Friday, 28 March 2008

i know a place where we can hide out, a place we can turn inside out; they wont know who we are-plain white t's

HELLO:))yess nice pic we know..taken by dad during is so far the best day of the week..although it may suck a little bit, but we managed to hang the day begun when we saw 'dollar billion'..gaaahhsss..ok so we walked to school as usual then there were the usual lessons..english lessons this year is far better than it was last year..why? we think mrs rajan is old and forgetful eventhough she claimed she's wise..oh whatever! she rarely ask questions on the breakdown o marks anymore:)) how awesome..

so had guides today..had the brownies pack from temasek pri and chai chee sec guides coy to attend a interschool crafts..had to carry out the gamelan instruments..and its damn heavy..but thx arina for then did the crafts..learnt a new skill..doin sum chinese knot thingy..and the little brownies were so cute but very girl bullied edah..sumpah kecoh siaa..ok so then went home..pity nuttynadd..well yes cos tomorrow she's going to the YA guides thing and she will be all alone..but the good news is we are not going becos of jodie's dramatization..baahhss..

ahh yes..atlast..friday is here:)) ohh that anxiety..anyway today was kinda fun..not really but was average..and yes i have to admit, its really3 hard to live without bringing money to school..gaaahss..i hate saving but i just have to..spoil laa guides..if not tommorrow celebrate nadd's birthday..wth laa kan..maths vectors test was hell i swear..i was stuck at the very 1st bad can that be?but hey im optimistic!i miss chico seems that i rarely see him online nor having him texting me..all i could do to atleast relief a small bit of "missing him badly" is to listen to his voice..yes, his recorded voice singing cry me a river and more than words..well macy, move on:)) i hope i can meet up with him soon though-MACY:))

why am i always to be blamed? its like my name is meant for others faults..i dont want to mention that particular person but it seems like when she gets into trouble and all the fault is upon her, she would brush of those faults to if im in the wrong..i know she is far superior due to status..but hey, dont i have my rights too? to that particular person: pls admit ur at fault when u are..i guess i have figured out something, humans do just about anything to save thier own skin..okay enough with that matter, maths was a waste of my time..i knew how to do the first part of question 1 and the rest was crap..bakar was in no use of helping me this time ard..cos we were both missing khairul so much that almost anyting can trigger de thought of him..-jodie
we miss chico and khairul:))


7:23 pm

Thursday, 27 March 2008

last saturday(220308)

she's the little pilot in my mind, singing songs to pass the time-oasis

hey readers:)) sorry for not updating lately..have been kinda busy lately..this week is a whole lot of crap..we're doomed..okay so lets start with suck cos obviously its de beginning of a week..tues, we had s.s consultation and we had to run 2.4km..and we merely passed seriously mcm sial cos we had honours day parade rehersal..

today..prolly the best day of the other four days..was kinda tired worse can this year be? we are so packed with skool activities and studies that we barely have time to rest..we miss 2006..gahhss..had dnt consultation today..oh how seems as if we are wasting our time going..

am i stressed up or what? dnt oh dnt..for once mr maricar helped me..haha..he wanted me to buy stuffs for my dnt artefact and its gonna cost about $100! im so broke..and so now my stress level is increasing and nobody knows when i will be pushed to my limits..gawwd..anyway, GUE KANGEN BANGET SAMA KHAIRUL! okay so i have alot of things to do this week and this weekend im gonna attend a meeting with the president of guides and so lazy to go and de thought of missing a tuition class makes me so upset..okay done! i love khairul and MACYboo:))-jodie
meet myhotadviser:)) muhammadkhairulrizalbinyahya:)) yeaa his birthday was last friday:))
3R is a smaller size then 4R..and yeaa i just got to know it today..gaahhss..anyway..this week seems kinda intimidating and pack that i just got no time for myself! how awesome can that be? having to attend classes,consultations and honours day rehearsal..omg..and it seems like im gonna miss tuition this week! just looking forward for third april i swear..atleast a break for me so that atleast i could go out and meet certain people:)) yet tons of homeworks and projects are yet to be done..damn sickening!but hey im optimistic yaw!-MACY:))

we dont want to go to school please..ohh yeah..


6:15 pm

Sunday, 23 March 2008

just fine fine fine fine fine fine WOOOH!-mary j blige

hello readers:)) yesterday was awesome..its like part II for the guides outing..haha..ohh those moments.. ok so met everybody at ard 2 but azimah was half an hour late..baek pe..strangely de 1st person to arrive was khairul..haha it was so hilarious..den off we went to beach we shopshopshop for boots..and it took only 15 mins..and then off we went to our seperate places..jodie with her boifie and MACY with her little sweetcakes:))

ANNNGGGUUUUNNN! nyahaha! yeaa so yesterday's catch phrase was anggun..lame or what..but hey i still find it cool okay:)) thx to nuttyNADD! first went to marina square to have late lunch..ended up only me and nadd ate..thx supposely i was to help zafirah with her homework but i just cant!becos of the strong wind that just messes up my hair and the catch phrase anggun kept poppin out of my head!haha!then headed to the toilet and camwhored! ohh totally kecoh! and my liitle sweetcakes claimed that i had paku(nail) stuck on my head..haha!thx ehh..but noo..den there's this nigeria(i guess) model that came into the toilet..oh i was astonished! she was lyk 189cm i think! -.-" den after jln2 and the never ending laugh we went home.. bumped into a few of my primary school atlast i changed my mind to the very last minute..i didnt meet hafiz yeaa..i had the best time ever!-MACY:))

i am not wierd okay..khairul says im wierd bt theres no reason why..he is the one who is wierd..okay, let me ask you people, if u cut ur hair would your confidence decrease? no right? okay whatever..i saw kedi..gawd..i was talking to MACY that i didnt want to bump into him..and i did..wth wth was shocking to me when khairul said he was at white sands before i now its fair ok..we are late once..okay so basically spend some time walking ard marina square and then esplanade..but it was yeahh..khairul if you are reading this, finally ehk you saw my ezlink pic..happy uhh? haha..ohh yes, i miss lissalove:))-jodie

pics cannot be so sorry..blogger sucks!


8:32 pm

Saturday, 22 March 2008

you leave me breeeaaaatthhleesss-shayne ward



11:05 am

Friday, 21 March 2008

soooo sally can waait-oasis

hello:)) today is good friday and we are at home doing random great..still have a dozen of homeworks to finish today, we are gonna spend de whole day watching tv and doing our homework at usual..currently hungry nyehhss

yesterday was enlightening haha! yeaa cos we got our results..omgomgomg!

jodie's result:
english: c5
malay: b3
maths: c6
comb science: a1
comb humanities: c5
dnt: b3
poa: b3

macy got:
malay: c6 (gaaahs)
maths: e8 (nyeehhss)
comb science: b3
comb humanities: b4
dnt: b3
poa: a1

ok awesome..finally our dad was proud of us..y? cos last year we had alooott of underlines on de result slip..yeaa awesome..but hey we are gonna do better for our mid-year for sure..6 a's here we come baby! wootss!

so classes were as per normal yesterday..not much going on..dnt consultation was gaaaayy..but thx mr maricar:) haha..yaa cos those hu had drawn their ideation were allowed to go home..and so we did:))

sorry khairul for nt replying you last night..i fell asleep before you replied..ok so i am not that happy about my malay result cos i know i can do better..i really had hope of passing poa finally..i tot of dropping that subject..but seeing a b3 just gave me hope:)) for humanities, i suck in social studies..thats de reason y i got c5..damn..khairul, help me in my s.s can? gawd..ok so tmr meeting de rest to buy boots..again..and meeting khairul also..edahh and ina, pls come:)) ohh yes..yest was another bad luck for me..i had to pair up wif faggot AGAIN! everyone changed thier partners except us! omg, i swear i wanted to smack mrs rajan's face..seriously..i dont know why dis happens, bt it seems lyk he is trying to be nice to me lyk he used it just seem so awkward i barely want to talk to him ever again! ohh i abhor u to de fucking core..ohh yes, happy birthday rizal:))-jodie

oh yea today is mdkhairulrizalbinyahya's birthday..yes myhotadviser..short history: he was my crush and we turn out to be friends and he is the best adviser anyone would ever need! andd yeaa he is hot and such a sweetheart:))! nyahaha.. to rizal, thx for being there for me whenever i need you..your such a great help..he told me never to be pessimistic about things and his presence just make me go LALALA!haha yeaa literally..and baby i love you:)) happy sweet 16! so do well for you Ns alright:))this blogger just aint co-operating so i cant upload his pic..urrgghh..but its ok..i shall do it in the next post:))oh tomorrow, edahlove and arinalove pls make it..if you guys aint coming then i shall meet up with hafiz or pls make it..haha.. wan if your reading sorry bout yest..AND I LOVE YOU HOTADVISER:))XOXO!-MACY:))


11:34 am

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

your my wonderwaaaall:))- oasis

HELLO awesome readers..gaaaahhss today was like sooo tiring...yeaa had school lesson was oh so boring and poa we had test on trading,p/l and balance sheet && urrrgghh it just wouldnt balance! wthwthwth..what more was english..gaaaawdd..hate it when we have to pair up to do a compo..mepekmepek..den had to sacrifice our recess just to finish english..rajan den said to hand it up on 2.20pm instead of 11am..bodoh pe we were starving..

then had malay consultation which was truly irrelavant and shouldnt have been held..lmao..basically cikgu aishah wasnt in the malay class and yaa the boys would tend to be a little hyper..k den rushed down to change as there was the honours day rehersal..hksgkbfhsdgma siaa..

yeaa simply because we were forced to use our old dusty rusty boots that simply wouldnt fit or is just spastic!!damndamndamn..den had the rehersal..ohh lagi was total crap especially to us guides..went home with an ugly sulk on our faces.oh so tired..just cant be bothered to do homework..

DANG! my hand hurts..yeaa cos zoelynn hit my hand but wasnt on purpose:) twice..when i found out that my boots looked horrendous and is meant to be thrown into pulau semakau i swear..eww..the base of the shoe aint sticking onto the damn boot itself..what a i stole my ex-guide boots instead to save my soul:)) yeaa and the boots were too tight but hey! i still got a better boot..but im dying in it-.-".. so was suppose to call hafiz yest but bumped into him in msn..chatted no big reason why he called..SATURDAY!YAY! but im not sure if i wanna bring anyone..i would rather spend time with my litleawesomes and gfs instead..well just wait and see..and yeaa i have not even tot of getting hotadviser anything for his birthday this friday!gaaaahss screw me..-MACY:))

HOW WORSE CAN TODAY BE? im so fucked up when mrs rajan paired me up with faggot..seriously..we are just not de same old frens we used to be anymore..his presence just seem so cold and dull..ohh whatever laa..its up to you ok fagg, its ur choice to choose who are de ppl dat sacrificed for u and those who just like you temporarily ok?just admit that no one likes u:)) another thing that got me on my nerves was poa, then remedial and then honours day rehersal..GAWWDD!! my ego is so fragile today that an awkward silence can break me to pieces..but im optimistic about my current situation..maybe there is a reason why today is so fucked up..its all in the name of KARMA..okay so enough of my sulk, i am looking forward to meet him and my beloved gfs on sat! wooohss!-jodie


9:47 pm

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

just for one night-one night only

hello:)) we lack of any pics to upload..another reason is lazy to upload..nyahaha..ok so sunday was AWESOME:)) yea we went out with brother and his gf..watched spiderwick chronicles...was forced to watch actually cos dad got the tix fer story was for kids right? but de monsters in de story scare the living shit out of us..haha..and there was this two bys in de cinema, damn noisy uhh.."eyy, adek takot kn?" haha..and there was one part when a few stupid uncivilised ppl hu lol..urrgghh..den one cute lil boy shout"eyy diam arh! klakar pe?!" haha kecik2 gangster sia..ok so there goes the story..well not bad at all..ratings:3/5!

den after de movie our bro decided to go mindscafe..but none of us know where it since we were kinda hungry we went off to far east plaza..omgomgomg! we miss that place soo freaking much! yaa cos we held aloooot of memories den after eating..we still wanted to go to minds bro called his friend who directed us straight to dhoby ghaut to prinsep st..we were kinda lost at 1st, bt after much walking we eventually found de if you guys dont know what is mindscafe, its a place where u eat and play board games at the same time! how cool kan? yea we play a few unknown games at random..the monster game was fun:)) we lost that game..haha..we finish playng only two games becos we wanted to try out alot of games..

so after that long tiring day we went home taking bus 518..omg can u guys imagine the gruelling ride home? haha..yea it took us about an hour to reach home..our legs were all cramped when we left the bus..

so today..its tues and its tie day..CHOW LAME! bodoh tentu pasal the people wearing half-u kene diri depan..bodoh pe..if only mr anwar was there..gawd..and we were to be blamed for de miscommunication? thx ehh chow & ng.. next was a few boring lessons and then yaa end of lie saved us frm dat horrible massive monster name ros..NYAHAHA! yaa cos ros wanted to take away half an hour of ms lie's lesson for the geog thx:))

THANK YOU ISKANDAR FOR THE MOCHA FRAPPUCCINO! how awesome can a best friend be? did i get de awesome drink? bcos he lost in the game of checkers! HAHA! i won thx to macy:)) and yes iskandar i cheat cos macy was right beside me all the way during the game pin-pointing places where to move! haha! ok best! i wanted him to blanje 40cent drink cos i dun ask for much nice..i know..but den suddenly this morning "WANI!" and a 7 eleven plastic bag was shown right infront of my face..i was dumb at that moment so i took it and thank him..i looked inside de plastic bag and there it was : THE AWESOME DRINK! amacam isk, play checkers again uhh? haha..i miss my boifie looking forward to meet him this coming sat! i love khairul:))-jodie

NYAHAHA! THX TO ME KAN? yeaa:)) i got half of the drink yaw!ok so on sat toking about mysexylove just made me disappointed and agitated bout things..well simply because i miss him aloot..cos he is MYSEXYLOVE! hhaha..anyway guess what? on sunday before i entered into the cinema i recieve a text! and yeaa it was mysexylove indeed! cool kepe text org wen da nk masok cinema! he was a yp at that moment..shud have met met him kan? but hey i still feel his existance and baby i love you! hafiz called and i just wudnt answer the call..idk y i didnt..i noe dumb but hey i just dont feel lyk it..i'll make it up to him today..wan? NYAHAHAHA! he's back too! mepek siaa..ok so meeting hafiz or babylove on sat? idk yaw! ok daa~ -MACY:))


4:47 pm

Saturday, 15 March 2008

thats what you get when you let your heart go oohhhhohhhoohhh!-paramore

hello:)) yesterday was awesome laa oi! haha..we had to accompany the guides to beach road to buy met everybody at ws mcd at 2pm.. haha..(sorry guys bout the change of time) then headed straight to beach road..the place is so hot..seriously uhh..then we managed to get all the girls to have their size taken down and ready to buy..alamak then that pak cik, sell kasot but no pe..k den went to bugis..BUS SEVEN! haha ama2..k daa sampai we seperated jodie went off to nlb with boifie and macy went to bugis st with those littleawesome:)) haha.. ohh bugis st we miss you! lets go and shop there one day like we used to..just the two of us:))
so today we had tuition..highlights for today:
-paula abdul's clap! HAHA!
-free movie tix!
-words ending till s'pore! HAHA!
-homeworks -.-"
ohh shuddup ISKANDAR BIN NASRI! haha! ok so yesterday was awesome i must say..i never thought yesterday would be much exubrant! so met farid, A FRIEND(yes iskandar a friend) yaa..k i miss the ice blended mocha haha!tho i didnt get to finish's still nicceee:)) den headed to bugis with my littleawesome and i swear i miss that place to bits laa..bought a baju costing 10 bucks! lawa siaa..i wanted to buy it for myself oni but my dumb self-concious kept bugging me to text jodie to ask her if she want the AWESOME SHIRT too..bodoh i swear..but yaa i did..ok bought for her too.i noe im very nice:)) k den pegi ws beli CREAMY CHEESE at jolibeans..woohoo! den syazwani text!HAHA! kekek pe..alah long story..k den headed home!nadd my sexyawesome(haha) yay to you! im soo proud of you okay! baby ily! and thx to chico and hafiz thx so very much's sacarstic btw.. chico last minute haf dikir and hafiz workworkwork..they were suppose to follow me to beach road laa dong..but its ok you guys owe me on 3rd april! huahuahua..omg!i just realise, i wrote too long haha! ok i miss chico aloooooot..i swear..and wan, mane kau? lost? idk..text pon tk reply..keep up the good work ok-.-..-MACY:))
gaahhss! such a longlonglong yes i went out with boifie yest..and yet again he was late..thx ehk? had lunch and then meet the rest..i swear i was shocked when a little girl tap my shoulder..haha! wats wif that random-ness? anyway, during the train ride, boifie insisted to look at my ez link card..NO! haha! and he saw the guides pics in the guides profile..gawwdd..and then went to beach road..he top up for me my ppd:)) thx:)) and then followed the girls to bugis..and then suddenly he said he wanna go cityhall..i was lyk wth uhh..then he say either i go or he will carry me there..gaahhss..then headed to nlb..suddenly, ZZIIITTT! macy text me..she asked about de nice kan? thats wat boo's are for..she would remember you no matter where you are:)) THANK YOU MACY:)) I CANT BE WITHOUT YOU BABY:)) haha! ok back to my story..den after some camwhoring, met the rest and went back home..ok done! i love khairul:)) i owe you one..haha..-jodie

9:02 pm

Thursday, 13 March 2008

let's take this chances to turn it around-paramore

hello is such a wet day..rainrainrain all day..rather boring too..yaa cause simply because we had a whole lot of poa lesson with see make matters worse, only 2 classes were in skool and some other cca we had a little fun though..we had brunch at mc pe..yaa den headed skool blajar-ed and then we went home at 12.45pm! much for 3 pm eh..

so we should be spending the whole day doing our homework..the homeworks are english comprehension, geography workbook, social studies source based questions, cme project, poa trading, p/l, balance sheet and maths topic: vectors...and guess what? none of it is we can barely make time to finish up the homeworks..mepek2..

JENG!haha ok i swear today mepek..ahhh poa..soo much for 3pm..was suppose to meet farid today but tk jadi i tot of meeting hotadviser instead cos i still have his songs with me.. tomorrow, malas seh nk klua..ok so meeting farid a 12 den maybe ajak chico/hafiz/wan to follow me go beach road..yaa..raining laa that's why i dread going..gaaahhs..-MACY:))

gaaahhss..i miss mc donald's hotcakes:)) my wish was granted today..i dont know why i dont like rain..i hate puddles..i had to jump across puddles so that my shoe wont be wet..i have to use it tmr! ohh yes, i saw a very3 cute much cuter than i still love mimi okay...okay done! khairul is loved:))-jodie

1:55 pm

Wednesday, 12 March 2008











ARE YOUU AFRAAID OF MEE?-rooney..nyahahahas

hey loved was so effing boring that we had to do something here are some pics to let go the boredom :))so we malas to write haha..enjoy the videoclips!


2:04 pm

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

talking to the songbird yesterday- oasis..the popcorn was random..baahhss...

today we went to SPRINGFIELD SECONDARY SCHOOL.. kite datang je sume jakon haha! yaa bcos the skool was huge! we were not late..thankfully..but we were left behind by the we followed a girl who is schooling in springfield..mcm stalker seh..haha..ok over whelming siaa when we stepped into the hall..haha..but we must say our school hall is totally better! ok then the talk started..blablablahhh..

left de skool at ard 1.30pm..we followed de rest to de bus we took de wrong was heading towards bedok so we panicked and stopped at de nxt bus stop..then made our way to the next bus stop but it started to rain or we were lyk sodden all over:( tampines is such a confusing heartland..but thx to macy's experiece we eventually found a bus stop..baahhss...yaa so basically people were lyk staring at we had a cold trip home..DANNGG..

somehow today turned out to be such a bad day..1st we were kinda late for the malay workshop 2nd i was all drenched 3rd i have no money to top up my card..DAANGG! but thanks to my awesome girlfriends i manage to go back home :)) can friday come soon? i wanna meet him laa..ok done! i love khairul :)) -jodie

oh sleepy yes i am..idk but yaa..the rain takes effect on me maybe? haha..that's dumb..yaa went to springfield laa abeh! wooooo000ooo but tk ter-bumped into mysexylove/agus..nyaaahhss..apadaa.. whereas i ter-bumped into his adek and friends..haha.. ok laa gitu..oh im not goin to eat that awful mee siaa..thx ehh..daa laa i tk tahan pedas..i wanted to cry laa i swear..anyway im just thankful to get into dry cotton!how niceee:)) ok friday, idk hu to ajak haha..but i tink i wanna ajak .....uhh... nta laa..chico or farid OR shawtysnap maybe??much lovee!-MACY:))


4:49 pm

Monday, 10 March 2008

just lyk that,that's what im talking about-t-pain ft young joc

today is monday..the first day of the holiday was not that bad afterall..why? we had recess and lunch every 1 an a half hour..awesome or what? to add on the "funness" of today, english lesson was a breeze..for the 1st time in our english lesson with mr rajan, today was the most fastest ever..haha! cool kan? we had geog followed by english then dnt! woohoo! kinda boring actually nyahahahas..

dnt class, it was the usual crap..baahh..all i did was talk3 with my 2 awesome friends aniah and dayang..ohh yeah wanna metion thanks dayang for the endless supply of chocs..wheee! i love you! we camwhore a little and as you can see the pics above..some are candid..and please aniah dear, dont put my candid pic in ur blog! PAISEH! after school, met boyfriend..i was walking with the rest of the girls when shafina saw khairul..and they were like " eyy wani! matair kau ehk?" haha..funny laa my girlfriends and i was lyk explaining to qeelah..sry laa babes i didnt mention then chat wif him for a while and went home:)) i love khairul<3-jodie>
oh hi love:)) CHICO IS BACK! haha k mepek..yea just chatted with him and i miss him dearly..pls topup soon okay:)) anyways,today dnt i wasnt that hyper lyk i used to cause i was too concerntrated doing my dnt..i manage to draw up 2 ideation:)) awesome..and yaa salihin URRGGHH.. tk abes2 siaaa..besok going to SPRINGFIELD SEC BABY!ohh mane tau i ter-bumped into sexylove or agus:)) haha..oh i beg an awful big bag of apologies to farid!SORRY!ok daa:))-MACY:))


yay! it's been 9 yrs since we've known each are our longest friend we ever had! ohh we hold so much memories..we wanna say that your the sweetest girl we've ever known..just so you know that we treasure you alooot! study hard okay? go baby go! haha..we love you!

5:35 pm

Sunday, 9 March 2008

second chances they dont ever matter people never change-paramore

yes the picture is meant to be that way because we are too lazy to edit..huahuahua..ok so today is sunday and tomorrow's skool..URRGGHH. and people still regard it as school holidays? its so much more worse than school days..we haf to stay in school until 3pm..especially thrusday..POA FROM 8AM-3PM! omgomgomg..we can go nuts! our dad haf to meet our form teacher and we still dont know when..that means we are not gonna receive our results anytime soon..tsktsktsk..anyway, dad is off to melaka leaving us at home:( bored..we still have english and s.s to cover..fair or what kan?

yesterday we were scolded by dad..baaahhhsss! sumpah annoying...we are always being accused for things that we dont if he only has 2 children.hello then what are your 2 elder sons for? haiyerr..they are suppose to be more responsible for the household and here we are cleaning up everyting that they leave behind..gosh! thanks...we just have to bare this for a few more months and we are gone:)) awesome..but hey maybe his just being concern about us (just being optimistic) naahhh..haha..

so today we are gonna spend the whole day at home doing homeworks and maths tuition..oh yeah:)) it's been quite awhile since we went out for shopping..gawd we miss that feeling laa.."if you aint got no money take your broke ass home"..that phrase is really for us..ohh so true..gaaahhsss! ohh we soo want our mum to come back asap! we miss her..if she was still here in spore we wont be this broke..urrgghh..come back now pls!!!

oh yeah not forgetting, today is our sweetheart's sweet sixteen:))

we love you till the end of time..oh awesome! hope you have a great time on this special study hard ok! and we love you for who you are! do live out your dreams girl:)) we love you x12345678910!
yayness for leeyan! it makes me envy people who haf birthdays early in the year..mine is like during o levels..baahhss! thanks a lot to macy for making me love the song hangin by the moment-lifehouse..its really3 nice..i've been reading some ppl's blog and they tend to make no sense at all..haha..its not like i wanna say bad things about it bt, if u want ppl to read ur post, try writing it when u haf the correct foundation of story and dont end ur story where ppl will say" huh?"..okay enuff of my comments..i love chris brown's new song 'with you'..haha..ok done! khairul is loved:))-jodie
WAIT!they dont love you like i love you:)) haha..ok random..hey np jodie..anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LEEYAN!I LOVE YOU WOOOHHOOO!:)) ok yah i agree with jodie 'bout ppls's not critism or anything we just stating the ur writing for ppl to yaa..ok no late night calls yest haha! thx guys:)) ohh i just cant w8 fer tues..i'll nvr noe if i would bump upon mysexylove..uuhhh ahhhh:) i miss babylove k daa:))oh yaa one more thing stop asking whether im single or not when jodie is attach!gawd so katekn if jodie is attach i must be attach oso laa..baek-MACY:))

ok done! tuiton will start soon:)) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LEEYAN again..

11:57 am

Double the Flava

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identical twins.
Zati Iwana & Zati Iwani
suffering from aneroxia nervosa and bulimia
we are:
  • schooling at Republic Polytechnic
  • persuing a Diploma in Business Information Systems
  • currently sixteen years young
  • passionate photographers
  • refusing to speak only to listen to the sound of our voices
  • reflections of one another but with seperate personalities

    C'mon baby shake it

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    Do visit them too

    aishah aqilah edah feezah fique hid iskandar kendra lissa marissa nieya sharifah teeqa

    You scream here


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