Monday, 26 February 2007

cest la vie gala tickets plswe r lyk so desprerate fer it sia..marco wanna sell fer lyk 20 bucks..can go bankrupt sia!!den we asked rahidah fer a ticket and even asked a few others..khalid..dunno if he is free..hope today is so sad and disappointing..bcoz 1st wani failed cmn test s.s..and wana just passed..2nd stoopid cest la vie tickets..3rd mrs rajan class was a living nightmare..
den our mom bought kfc wow..finger lickin just suck lah..k bb...

9:42 pm

Sunday, 25 February 2007

afta girl guides world thinking day in indoor stadium..240207..whee!

10:28 pm

Saturday, 24 February 2007
gold digga

hey dearies..we r exteremly proud to say dat our dearest cca siglap girl guides haf officially won a gold puan noor aishah award..lyk u ppl hu discriminate guides can fuck off..i mean lyk gold joke..girl power!ok then we lyk haf to cheer and scream wen amanda,our dearest company leader received the gold award on our behalf!and we rock de house!! we met a few others guides from other skool..and raffles girls skool is de most outstanding bcoz thier voices were lyk guys...seriously we were fucking shocked!!i mean lyk they r a girls yah haf to wait fer 1 hour fer de bus to cum..den left...and de rest is we r god damn tired so we will stop here fer now..toodles!

7:48 pm

Friday, 23 February 2007

2dae lyk suck big time...we mean c' today had our thinking day stuff..wana screwed up bringing de flag up..lyk jun kai was soo fking slow..soo wana had to follow the pace..den he didnt wait fer her to finish tying de was ok...we had cca...den blah3..we went home and we almost got hit by 2 bicycle..sad u noe..juz yest we tot we were safe n today was lyk yah..den gotta shout some shitty stuff till mrs ng n ms fong were satisfied..lyk wtf!den dere is dis ncc guy staring at us..we juz carry on wif overall, today is okay...

6:30 pm

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

heya!ok lyk yest we were c'riusly in a big trauma!!its lyk our eyeliner ran away from us..we mean its lyk gone..our room is in a tootal mess..sum wat lyk a dumpster..
so we almost shed to tears and wani could not sleep de whole night just thinking about the loved eyeliner..2day went ta skool luking lyk fcking gay..we were trying to avoid eye contact..eyeliners is our evryting its like we lost a limb or sumting...aniway, found it by stoopid idiotic bloody arse hole jackass mimi..our cat.. she lyk found it under dis huge cupboard wich obviously she went playing wif today gladly wif de help of ur prayers we didnt get hit by any instead we went ard hitting so wani had to bcome the contingent commander [which gonna suck lyk crazy] wana a flag barrer..[i mean lyk raising de flag..] today did some training wif our bro we saw dis prcs minah who wears a bloody micro nano mini skirt..she was wani's fren...our neighbour..isk u noe wat i wen she walked pass us..wani said fuck u at her bloody shity fugly face..wana just kept quiet lyk a dumb de day ended wif an olrite lets see wat crap tmr is gonna bring us..till den..fuck off! jk..

7:23 pm

Monday, 19 February 2007

hey hey!!lol..we r fucking excited lah..not realli but today we went out ard 5 pm wondering where to go since all shops r we went to taka..we were sitting ard when suddenly, a few hot emo guys walk past us..we were lyk wtf seh..they said twins ekh? we dumbly nodded and manage a weak smile..i mean..they r unbearably we yah..den they left..and chaotic us came..ok..den ard 7+ went ta eat at west coast...den went home feeling damn awe of today mimi smelt better bcoz fer de past 3 months she hadnt get a gud nice warm we usually just splash sum water on her..hah..ok..tomorrow will suck..ferever..i mean lyk dads ard so we r not suppose ta go out..unless its west plaza..blegh..btw, we almost got hit by two cars[taxi, white honda] fuck..fortunately we manage to survive to recall our ppl thank god we r still alive or there will be skinny twins ard euu haunting at den..pray dat we do not haf 3 cars or even a big lorry hitting us next time..toodles!

10:19 pm

Friday, 16 February 2007

hey ppl...although valentines day died 2 days we r wishing u a belated valentines day..wani got a belated gift today...anyway, secondly happy advance chinese new year to all! so wat happened dis week? answer..fucking shit...we almost got run over by a car while crossing de road on mon..tues, bored.. wed valentines day.. hopeless..gave ourselves roses..thur fucking eng teacher gave 3 hwk..fri... the worse day ever...imean lyk, wat shit can de world be? dis year sucks..we swear..
tot dis year will be betta den last..yet it turned out wtf..anyway took pic dunno wen.. but dis is it...edited by wana...

2:34 pm

Saturday, 10 February 2007

hey ppl..ok lyk 2day we r suppose to meet khalid and his fren but he didnt turn up..lyk we went ta bugis instead...bought an esprit t-shirt each..den went boring..

6:33 pm

Sunday, 4 February 2007

hey ppl...we r bored so we r riting a post..its been long since we wrote one..its been a bitter sweet moment fer de past days we gone through..wana got khalid back though she still misses her sumone...sumone from siglap sec asked wani fer her no though she is happy, she still failed her maths test..sobs..actualli both of nid to attend remidial

in midst of boredom, we made dance steps fer get up song..quite ugly but we cant help it..soo yah.. met lissa yest and we toked very astounding english..took pics yah..

1:02 pm

Double the Flava

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identical twins.
Zati Iwana & Zati Iwani
suffering from aneroxia nervosa and bulimia
we are:
  • schooling at Republic Polytechnic
  • persuing a Diploma in Business Information Systems
  • currently sixteen years young
  • passionate photographers
  • refusing to speak only to listen to the sound of our voices
  • reflections of one another but with seperate personalities

    C'mon baby shake it

    MySpace Music Playlist at

    Do visit them too

    aishah aqilah edah feezah fique hid iskandar kendra lissa marissa nieya sharifah teeqa

    You scream here


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